How do you ask to get water?
Three fingers up!
What do you get when you do something great?
What do you do before entering the classroom?
Pick a greeting
Where do you put your water bottle?
The Hydration Station
Put it in the rainbow holder
Be quiet when I ring the _______.
How can the class earn tokens?
When everyone is following expectations - walking in the hall, working well in groups, being at an appropriate volume.
What should you do before lining up?
Push in your chair
How many students can go to the restroom during a lesson?
One at a time
What do you do if you have a question during small groups?
Ask 3 people before the teacher
What volume level should we be at in the hallway?
Level 0
How do we get a class reward?
By filling our class reward jar
When do we pick class jobs?
Where should you go when you are upset?
To the calm couch
How to you ask to use the restroom?
Fingers crossed
What are some examples of being kind to others?
Student Free Answer
When is the best time to replace pencils?
As soon as you put your backpack and water away.
Where do you put your backpacks in the morning?
How should you act in the hallway?
What level should you be at when you are working with a group?
Level 2
What are the three reward options if you earn 15 pom poms?
Treasure box, sticker, or eraser
How will be pick classroom jobs?
How many people are allowed on the couch at once?
Tell the teacher