Blow my nose?
Get a tissue and blow nose by door. Throw away and use hand sanitizer.
At recess?
Walk out through the gate. Play nicely. Eat snack at the table.
Rules for sitting on carpet?
Make a good choice when sitting on the rug. Sit quietly and listen.
Time to go out?
Line up quietly outside the door and wait.
Earn beans to earn rewards!
Go to the bathroom?
Raise hands and criscross fingers.
When I eat lunch?
Find a table and sit down. Eat lunch and talk to the people at the table.
Working with a partner?
•Voice level 1
•Work as equals
•Be engaged – lean in close to activity
•Follow specific job/role designated by Mrs. Padilla
Moving through the school?
Walk quietly in line
Level 0
Voice Levels
Use voice levels to work appropriately
If you have a water bottle, feel free to drink it. If you don't, you will have to wait until it's a good time.
During breakfast?
Read the chart and find something quiet to do.
Working by myself?
•Voice level 0
•Stay in your seat
•Check board or assignment for needed directions
•Raise your hand if you need help – monitor your question
Classroom Transitions?
•Transition at a level 0
•Take care of business quickly and quietly – get needed supplies, put away Laura bucks, replace dull pencils, etc.
•Go directly where you are supposed to go
Teacher Attention?
Yo Yo Yo
Yo, What's up?
Waterfall, waterfall
Sharpen my pencil?
Raise hand and ask. No sharpening during instruction.
If I have a question?
Raise my hand and wait to be called on.
•Voice level 1 or 2
•Everyone has a voice! Everyone participates!
•Follow specific job/role designated by Mrs. Padilla
Charge them!
Blue bin in the back.
Go to the nurse?
Raise hand and let Mrs. Padilla know. She will write a pass.
If I finish early?
Check over your work. Read a book quietly. Practice math facts.
#1 Thing you need?
Put your name on your paper.
Classroom Library?
1.Only go to class library during specified time (independent reading, early finisher activity, during breakfast)
2.Browse for 1-2 minutes
3.Place books back in correct bin (check the back of the book for sticker that shows which bin it goes into)
4.Put book back in right side up
Fire Drill - Evacuate
Lockdown - Stay in classroom. Be quiet!
Earthquake - Go under desk, hold your head. Then evacuate.