What is the first thing you do when you get to school?
Come to the classroom
What voice level should you have in the hall?
Level 0
What time do we go to lunch?
How do you earn a prize from the prize cart?
get 12 signatures
What do you do with books when you are done reading them?
What should you NOT do in the morning?
not go to classroom, run in hall, forget breakfast, etc.
What type of body should you have in the hallway?
What are the things you always need to bring to lunch?
name tag, lunch box, water bottle
grow note sent home
List three things that go in the trash can.
food, paper towels, candy
When should you get your breakfast?
Before you get to the classroom
How should you act in the lunch line?
What happens if you make really great choices?
glow note sent home
Where do you put liquid that you don't want to drink?
Where does your yellow folder go every morning?
In the white bin on Ms. L.'s desk
What side of the hall do you walk on?
right side
How should you act at the lunch table?
calm, quiet, respectful, etc.
What can you do if you feel frustrated or upset?
calm down strategies (breathing, count to 10, ask for a hug, etc.)
How should Ms. L.'s bookshelf look?
What do you do after you finish putting away your folder and eat breakfast?
Complete your morning work
List three things you SHOULD NOT do in the hallway?
Run, yell, jump, etc.
What should you do when we are cleaning up?
throw trash away, clean up space, walk to the line, wait quietly
What are 5 ways you can earn a signature or a glow note?
be kind, be responsible, be respectful, do your work, etc.
What are the three things that go in the recycling bin?
plastic bottles, cardboard, paper