When are assignments due?
When Mrs. Howe says or, for homework, when you walk into the classroom.
Level 0
How do we line up?
ABC or ZYX order
0 Voice
facing forward
hand/feet to ourselves
What voice level is used in the hallway?
Level 0
How do you earn dojo points? and what can you do with them?
Different positive things - highest points - jobs
Points are used to purchase classroom passes
Where should you put assignments?
Where Mrs. Howe asks, OR in the assignment bins in the back.
Voice level when you are presenting to the class?
Level 3 - Teacher's voice
When do we sharpen pencils?
Beginning of the day, end of the day, and when Mrs. Howe is not teaching
Extra Pencils should be sharpened in your table bin
Table Leader should make sure there are supplies in the bins
What are the 3 rules of the school
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Name the 8 passes you can purchase
Hoodie, music, tech, comfy, hat, teachers desk, show-and-tell, swip-swap
What happens when you have missing assignments?
The first missing assignment of the month is a warning, after that it is a detention for each missing assignment
What is the voice level when you are working in a small group?
Level 2 - conversation voice
What are the procedures for using the restroom?
When Mrs. Howe is not teaching
You need to sign up to go
once in the morning/once after lunch
What are the procedures in case of a fire?
QUIETLY walk out of the classroom
walk single file down the front steps and out the front door
Line up in ABC order in front of the church
What is the tardy policy?
after 3 tardies - you are assigned an after school detention
What needs to be on every single thing you turn in?
What is the voice level when you are doing a Think-Pair-Share?
Level 1 - whisper
End of the day procedure?
clean the table
make sure there is nothing on the floor
What are the procedures for a serious storm?
QUIETLY walk out of the classroom
grab a BOOK to protect the back of your head and neck
in a single file line, walk down the back stairs to the gym hallway
assume the position
How do you earn an after school detention?
Earn 5 strikes during the school day
What is the expectation for each assignment?
Do your absolute best?
What is the voice level at dismissal?
Level 0 or maybe level 1
Start of the day proceedures
Hang up your stuff
get your chromebook
sit at your seat
start your morning work
Zero Voice
What are the procedures for a lockdown or an active shooter?
Lockdown - quietly move to sit on the floor by the bookshelves
Active shooter - the front table by the door is flipped up and put in front of the door. All other tables are turned on their sides to block the door. Grab something to throw
Who are our classroom saints?
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. John Bosco