In what order should you line up for lunch?
School lunch, then home lunch
What should go at the top of all papers?
Your name!
What should you do at the end of the day? Name 2 things.
Pack up. Clean up your area. Straighten your desk.
What is the 1st thing you should do when you get in your desk in the morning?
Read the board. Follow all unpacking steps
When should you shout out you need to use the restroom?
NEVER! Use the restroom symbol.
How should you enter the cafeteria?
In a straight, silent line
Where can you pick up your graded papers?
In my mailbox
How should you carry your computer?
With two hands! Cradle, like you would your baby brother or sister.
What time should you be in your desk by to be on time?
When are you allowed to go to the bathroom?
When the teacher isn't talking/teaching (independent work time).
Where do you sit in the cafeteria?
In your assigned tables
What is the procedure for pencils? 3 Steps
Get 5 on Monday, take care of them, sticker if 5 good pencils are left
Who can earn rewards in the classroom?
Small groups/table groups
The entire class
What steps should you follow to unpack? 3 Steps.
Hang up backpack, take out yellow folder, bring bucket to desk
When should you go to the bathroom?
Recess and Lunch
what are some lunch rules?
Stay in your seat. No sharing. Talk with a soft voice.
Grab an available writing clip and work silently while waiting
How should you sit at a desk? Name 3 things
Sitting straight
Not leaning over/pushing the desk
In your own space
Facing Forward
Where do you turn in your homework?
The turn-in basket by Ms. Larsens desk
What is a reason why we may not let you go to the bathroom?
You have asked to go too many times in a day.
Not the right time to ask (the teacher is teaching or talking).
What time is lunch?
Where should I put work I am not complete with ?
In my in red folder.
Describe how to work during Core Knowledge computer time. Name at least 5 details.
Silent independent work, follow game board map, on task work by watching a video and then completing the packet page, moving your magnet as you go, back table for help, monitor progress