I need to...
Recess/Lunch/End of Day

How do I make my lunch choice?

Quickly and quietly find your lunch stick and move it to the correct container. 


What is the hand signal when we need to use the restroom?

Make a fist and shake to indicate bathroom or drink request.

How do we stand in the hallway?  What do we sound like, and what do we look like?

Silent, facing forward, keep your whole self to yourself.


What do I do to fill up my water bottle?

Filling your water bottle, is only to be done when instruction and group work is not happening. Take a bathroom pass and set a cone on top of your desk.  You should return promptly.  Water bottles are stored on the floor next to your desk.  Not on top!


What is the procedure for when a visitor enters the classroom?

Let them see you at work. Do not leave your seat or call out to the visitor.  


What do I do if I need a sharpened pencil?

Go to the pencil cup and get one from the sharp container.  Please leave your pencil in the container marked "dull" to be sharpened later.


When we have a question or comment, how do we get Mrs. Reish's attention?

Raise your hand.


What are two things we need to take with us to lunch?

We need to bring our jacket and lunch box to lunch. 


I have trash.  What do I do?

If the class is in the middle of instruction or working on a project, just temporarily put the trash under your chair. You will collect it when you get up from your seat.


What does it look like to work as a team or group?  Give examples.

Sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting your work or project done.

What should I bring when I rotate to Social Studies/Science and Reading?

I only need to carry my Chromebook with 2 hands for rotations.


What do you do if you hear a classroom attention signal?

Freeze, hands free, eyes on the speaker, and listen.


I need to use the bathroom...

Make sure there is a free pass (boy or girl). Take a pass and put a cone on your desk indicating that you are gone.  Return as quickly as possible.  Try to avoid using the bathroom when a teacher is talking to the class or the first 5 minutes of class time.


Oh, no! I had a conflict at recess.  What should I do?

Most of the time, it is best to address the person right away at recess. Deliver an "I-Message" and try your best to solve the problem together.  Let an adult know if you are having repeated problems or need an adult to help.   


What should you always have when you rotate to another class?

We should always have our Chromebooks.


What should you do when you walk into class in the mornings?

Come in quietly, move your lunch stick, and go to your seat.  Begin any morning work or check the message on the board.  Complete your work independently.


Should you get out of your seat without raising your hand while Mrs. Reish is speaking?

No, not unless it is an emergency.


How do we line up when we leave the classroom?

We line up quietly, facing the front.


What do I do when the fire alarm goes off?

Fire alarms need your attention quickly. Line up without your voice and FOLLOW your teacher. 


How do we respect others' belonging in our classroom?

We can respect other peoples' things by not touching or messing with things that do not belong to us.


How do I turn in assignments?

Highlight name with blue, yellow, or green for your class color. Turn in the correct bucket.


What bin do you turn your work into when you are finished?  Do you bring it to my desk?

Find the blue/green/or yellow bin to turn in your work.  Do not put work on teacher's desk.


At the end of the day, I will always...

Check my mailbox, take all my belongings (including water bottles), and wait quietly to be dismissed from door #13.

A Lockdown is called.  What do I do?

Gather quickly and quietly to a space with the adult in the room. No voices or noises!


What is the procedure for when the telephone rings or an announcement comes over the intercom?

You should be silent.
