How should you enter the room?
Quietly and Greet Miss Ryan.
What must you do in order to go to the bathroom?
Use the bathroom log.
How to ask a question during class?
- Raise your hand
When do you pack up?
When the teacher gives direction to
What is important to remember about using Team Supplies?
Team supplies are brought to the table by the team leader. We all must share the supplies, keep them in good condition, use them appropriately, and put them back. The team must get their bin and checklist check by the teacher before putting it away in the cabinet/leaving class.
What is the 1st thing you should do when you come in the morning?
Go to your assigned seat and follow the Do Now that is on the board.
When should you shout out you need to use the restroom?
NEVER! Do not be disruptive. Quietly and quickly get up and use the bathroom.
What voice level is independent work and describe it?
Voice Level 0 -
Students need to be silent
Raise hand for questions or come up to desk
What do I need to write down before packing up?
Homework in Agenda
Spiral Notebook and Folder
What part of our entry routine is graded?
The Warm-Up activity is graded.
When should you NOT use the bathroom?
When the teacher is talking/teaching (It is best to go during independent work time or breaks or before/after class).
Students only work with assigned members
Communication is quiet (inside, soft voices)
Stay on task
Everyone is respected
What does clean up involve?
Clean up your space first and the rest of the classroom to make sure it is clean, organized, and better than you entered. Making sure your space is completely clean and everything is put away in appropriate places.
What to do when the teacher is trying to get the class's attention?
Stop everything you are doing
Absolutely zero sound (no talking, no pencil sharpening, etc)
Eyes on Me
Be a good listener
What do you do if you finish the Warm Up early?
Sit and wait silently. It is also a good time to use the bathroom or get a drink of water.
What should you do before you get up to use the bathroom?
Make sure nobody else is using the bathroom. Only 1 at a time.
What is expected for turning in work?
All work must be turned in to the correct period bin (and on time)
Headings must be complete (name, date, class period, teacher)
All work turned in should be full done with maximum effort
What do you do when you are all packed up and waiting for the bell?
Quietly wait in your seat.
Level 0 voice
During teacher instruction, students must give their FULL attention! (eyes on me, ears listening to me, mouths shut, in seat)
Raise your hand to speak
What do you do with materials needed for class? What items must be kept in your backpack and what do you do with your backpack?
Class materials are neatly put on desk in personal space. Phones, other class materials, other personal items (except waterbottles) must be kept in backpack. Backpack is closed and put under the table for class period.
What is a reason why the bathroom policy may change and require you to ask for permission?
You use the bathroom very often and at the wrong times during class frequently.
How do you know when do give the teacher your full attention?
Always listen to the teacher for direction.
Give Me Five
Freeze Please
Timer Sound
What will be given at the end of some class periods?Why?
Some classes will end with an exit ticket to check in with how the student is doing, feeling, understanding…
What are the 4 voice levels?
0 - No Voice
1- Partner Voice
2 - Normal Voice
3 - Presenter Voice