How should you enter the room? (2 conditions)
Walking, at a voice level 1 or 0
Should you leave the room before the whole class is cleaned up, lined up, and ready to transition?
What should go at the top of all papers?
Name, date, class number
What should you do at the end of the day? Name at least 3 things.
Pack up. Clean up your area. Stack your chair. Do your end of day class job. Meet in closing circle.
What are the first two things you should do when you come in the morning?
Unpack and read the board. From TOP TO BOTTOM.
What do you need to bring with you when you go to the restroom?
The hall pass
What should voice level be during transitions?
Level 0
Where can you turn in papers?
In the turn it in bin
How should you carry your computer?
With two hands! Cradle, like you would a baby sibling.
When and where should you get breakfast?
Before I come to class, in the cafeteria.
How many people can go to the bathroom at once?
One person from the class
How and where should you line up for transitions? (3 conditions)
Quietly, against the cubbies, in line order (Eshkar + Kim) or in the order you get there (Isaacs).
What is the procedure for getting a new pencil? (2 steps)
Get a new pencil out of the "sharp" bin. Place old pencil in the "dull" bin.
Who can earn high 5s in the classroom?
Small groups/table groups
The entire class
What should you do when the morning announcements come on? (2 things)
Listen at a voice level 0 and sit in morning circle.
What should you do before you leave the classroom to go to the bathroom?
Sign out on the sign out sheet
What should you do in Eshkar's room before lining up to transition? (4 steps)
Clean up your table area, put away flexible seats, clean up the floor, make sure you have your belongings.
When can you sharpen pencils? (3 times)
Before morning meeting, during independent work time (no teacher is talking), during end of day clean up time
If I need to go to the nurse I should... (3 steps)
Ask permission
Sign out
Bring a hall pass
What should be at your desk with you after you've unpacked? (5 things)
Book bin, homework folder, unfinished work folder, independent reading book, water bottle
Leave it clean, throw away trash, don't play with water/soap, don't put anything on the walls, respect others' space and privacy, leave doors unlocked when you are done
What 3 times do we line up to transition classrooms?
9:20, 11:00, 12:40
Where should I put work I am not done with ?
In my unfinished work folder.
I have a reading group that starts right around snack time. What should I do?
Finish snack before I go to my reading group or wait until after my reading group to eat my snack.