You should do this when you enter the classroom
What is quietly take your seat, mark your attendance, and write the agenda?
Class starts at this time.
What is 8:00 AM?
Do this to participate in discussions.
What is raise you hand to share thoughts or ask questions.
You should do this when it's time to switch activities.
What is follow directions given by the teacher?
Rule about using electronic devices
What is "Only use electronic devices when the teacher allows it."
I am absent, I should do this when I return.
One way to show classmates respect.
You should do this when you move around the classroom
The 3 Tier consequences for not meeting classroom expectations.
What is 1. Verbal Warning, 2. Call Home, 3. Office Referral.
The Voice Levels are...
What is Level 0: Silent, Level 1: Whisper, Level 2: Normal, Level 3: Outside?
2 ways to work in groups effectively.
Share tasks or respect others ideas or communicate openly.
It is important to stay quiet during transitions because...
Actions to take when asking for help.
What is raise your hand and wait for the teacher to call on you?
Times to work on journal entries.
Best time to get supplies.
I finished my work so I should...
What is ask the teacher what to do next or do a quiet activity.
Free time happens after this.
What is Work is completed first?
What is Leadership Binder and library book.
What is my work is finished by me?
I can help others with transitions by....