How do you ask to go to the bathroom?
Raise two crossed fingers
How should you line up for the hallway?
Safely and Quietly
Odds and Evens lines
What should go at the top of all papers?
First and Last name, number, and date
What should you do at the end of the day? Name 2 of the 3 things.
Pack up. Clean up your area. Stack your chair.
What is the 1st thing you should do when you come in the morning?
Read the board. From TOP TO BOTTOM.
When should you shout out you need to use the restroom?
NEVER! Use the restroom symbol.
True or False: We can talk in the hallway.
False; we should be silent in the hallway, because other scholars are learning.
Where can you pick up your graded papers?
In my (homeroom classroom mailbox
What do I do if I'm struggling with an assignment but Mrs. Weiand is helping someone else?
Ask three before you ask me
Move on to the next question until I can come to you
Raise your hand
When can I have a busy bag?
After I have completed all my catch-up work and morning message letter.
When are you allowed to go to the bathroom?
If there isn't a name on the board and during quiet work time.
Where are our hands when we walk in the hallway?
Hands are by our sides.
Where should I put work I am not complete with ?
In my in red catch up folder.
How many of Mrs. Weiand's books can be in my desk at a time and how do I return them to the class library?
1 book at a time
Place the book in the correct book number bin according to the number on the book.
The blue morning message bin under the window.
When is the best time to use the bathroom?
During recess or lunch time.
How should your desk area look BEFORE you line up?
Clean on top of the desk, clean under your desk, chair pushed in, materials put away.
What is the procedure for getting a new pencil?
Get a new pencil out of the "sharp" bin. Place old pencil in the "dull" bin.
When can I interrupt Mrs. Weiand's small group work time?
If I'm barfing, bleeding, or dying.
What are the five components you should include in your morning message letter?
What is a reason why we may not let you go to the bathroom.
You have asked to go too many times in a day.
Not the right time to ask (the teacher is teaching or talking).
How do we come in from first recess?
Quietly and quickly grab our snack then head to our desk to enjoy read aloud.
WITHOUT talking to our neighbors once Mrs. Weiand starts reading.
Where do I turn in my papers? AND How do I move to turn them in (3 words)?
(Reading, Science, Math, Homework) black turn in bins
Reading Bin 1-3 (if directed to do so)
What should we do when the phone rings or an adult comes into our classroom?
Continue working quietly without interrupting Mrs. Weiand.