How should you enter the room?
Quietly or Low Voice Level, Grab handouts, Calculator, binder on the way to your seat.
How do you ask to go to the bathroom?
Raise two crossed fingers.
or you may come up to me during independent time to ask quietly.
What should you do at the end of class before exiting?
Pack up. Clean up your area. Sit back in your seat until you are dismissed.
DO NOT line up at the door, this will delay your dismissal from my room. (I will hold you after the bell)
What should go at the top of all papers?
First and last name
Class period
What is the 1st thing you should do once you have your material for the day and are in your assigned seat.
Immediately Work on your focus Task.
When should you shout out you need to use the restroom?
NEVER! Use the restroom symbol.
What should I do with material used such as Blended Learning Cards, Pencils borrowed, expo Markers?
Return all material to delegated area instructed by my teacher.
Return Pencil Directly to Teacher.
Procedure for Borrowing a Pencil.
Ask my at the beginning of class and I will need collateral in exchange for borrowing my Pencil.
-Cell Phone
-something of value that you will not forget to return my pencil.
How much total time do you have to complete your focus Task?
9 minutes total which includes 4 minutes of transition and 5 minutes after the bell.
When are you allowed to go to the bathroom?
When the teacher isn't talking/teaching (independent work time).
Where should I put work I am not complete with ?
In your Math Binder/ Folder.
How can I earn Charger Bucks?
Following Procedures consistently.
Offering to assist.
Showing any of the Character count Pillars without being told to: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, Citizenship
Where can you find your focus Task or any missing work if you were absent on the day a new handout was received?
Absent File Folder.
How long should your restroom Trip take?
3-5 minutes......any longer than that will lead to an email to your AP.
Utilize Hallway Transition time to go to the restroom.
How should my desk look before being dismissed?
All Binders should be put on the shelf or in your backpack.
Trash should be placed into the Trash can.
Eating in the classroom.
No longer allowed.