Finish the sentence... You are only allowed to go into _____ cubbie.
Where can you find glue, scissors, tape, crayons... ect?
In the back by the door.
What happens if you are talking and not working at a seat?
You will be moved back to your assigned seat.
What is one way to get a ticket?
being respectful
What must you do if you need to go to the bathroom?
Take a bathroom pass.
At the end of the day, what must you do with your cubbie?
Clean it/organize it
Everyday your chromebook must come to school ________.
After you use a clipboard or supplies, what is the rule?
clean up and put it away appropriately.
If I have tickets... what must I do when I get them
put my name and number on them
What does the proper paper heading include?
name, # and date
If you have a question, answer or want to participate... what must you do?
Raise your hand!!!
How must we line up?
# order
You must use each seat the _______ way.
What can you get for 40 tickets?
help out with a 1st grade room
What are Mrs. Merten's main 3 rules (clue... look at the wall)
be a problem solver
be respectful
be the best I can be
Every morning your _________________ and ______________ will be checked and stamped.
homework and planner
How do you answer the phone?
Hello, Mrs. Merten's room, student speaking
1. You may only go to the bathroom when...?
2. How many people can go to the bathroom at one time?
1. Mrs. Merten is NOT teaching.
2. 1
If it is your birthday, what do you get to do in class?
Go to the secret box!
In the morning what do you do when you first walk in?
-get out your homework and planner
-read the morning message
If you forgot your homework, what do you need to do?
write your number on the board and stay in for recess.
If I needed to sharpen my pencil, when would be the best time to do it?
When Mrs. Merten is NOT teaching or instructing.
1. How must you get to a new seat?
2. What happens if you both fight over a seat?
1. walking
2. you both loose it.
What happens if your table group wins at the end of the month?
Whatever the table group wants!
Tell us the procedure of the Monday Folder.
Student and parent signature
passed out on Monday
Return Tuesday or Wednesday