What voice level should you be when you enter into Ms. Redding's classroom?
Level 0 (silence)
What voice level should you be on while transitioning in the hallway?
Level 0
What are you expected to do when you arrive in the classroom?
Block 1: Eat Breakfast and talk on a level 1
Block 2 and 3: Put bookbag down and head to vocabulary station
When is homework due?
Mondays each week
If you need a teacher for something in the hallway, how should you get the teacher's attention?
Raise your hand
How many PAWS points can you get in one day?
20 points
You are allowed to sharpen pencils at any time in Ms. Redding's class.
False! Please do not sharpen any pencils in my classroom.
What are you doing while Ms. Redding is counting 1,2, 3?
1. Clean Up
2. Stand Up
3. Line up
What HOUSE do we belong to?
House of Accountability
Where do you turn in your homework?
It is ok to step out of line to hug someone, play with someone on the way.
False. Please wave and remain in your line
What are redirection points?
When you refuse to follow directions the first time they are given, Ms. Redding will put a tally next to you name and call you parents.
How do you get Ms. Redding's attention during class?
Raise a silent hand
For emergency drills, what should you do immediately?
Go to a voice level 0 immediately and find Ms. Redding with your eyes and listen carefully for Ms. Redding's instructions
Name all three of Ms. Redding's golden rules.
2. Keep hands and feet to yourself
3. Mirror EXCELLENCE at all times