What voice level should we be at during RTI Block?
Voice Level 0
What voice level should we be at while walking through the hallways / transitioning?
Voice Level 0
When you are finished with your work, what is something you can do quietly while you wait?
READ! i-Ready! IXL!
IF you see trash on the recess field, what should you do?
Pick it up!
What color are Mrs. Johnson's eyes?
What does it mean if Ms. Mangan or I are teaching a group at our tables?
"Please do not interrupt" (:
What do you need to do first before you use the restroom or go and get water?
Ask with our signals and then sign out.
When are the best times to use the restroom or get water if you don't have a waterbottle?
Independent work time and lunch/recess.
On the first whistle what do you do?
How many days are in the month of January?
31 Days!
If you have a question, but Ms. Mangan and Mrs. Johnson are teaching, what can you do instead?
Ask a friend quietly, or take a number from the waiting room and wait (:
What side of the hallway should we be walking on?
The Right Side!
How do we line up? (I am looking for 4 things listed)
- Number line order
- Eyes are forward
- Voices are off
- Hands are to your self.
What does it mean to show EALOHA? (Looking for 3 things...)
Respect Self
Respect Others
Respect Place
Who are all of the 3rd grade teachers and the EA's? (8 names)
Ms.Kallio / Ms.Ramos
Mrs.Johnson / Ms.Mangan
Mrs.Bailor / Ms. Laurel
Mrs.Bradley/ Mrs. Jazzy
What are two things that you can do if you lock yourself out of i-Ready?
What should our line look like/sound like in the hallway?
Walking quietly in a straight line. (behind the person in front of you, not next to)
What are the hand signals for if you need to use the restroom or get water?
"Fist" and "1"
What should you do if someone is unkind to you?
Tell a teacher!
Girls: 10/11
Boys: 8
-If your computer dies, what should you do?
- Plug it in and read a book
-OR grab an extra!
How many times do we transition in a typical day?
What are the expectations for whole group discussion/ teachers are teaching? (I am looking for at least 4 things.)
Whole body listening
Hands empty
Feet still
Eyes on the speaker
Voice is off
What do the 3 whistles mean at recess?
Clean up!
Line up!
What has keys but cannot open locks?
Key board