Classroom Jobs
Classroom Jobs 2
Procedures inside the Classroom
Procedures outside the Classroom
Behavior Strategies

What does the hall monitor do?

Steps out from the line and makes sure people are walking on their third block, facing forward, on level zero.


What does the Bookbag/Mailbox Checker do?

They check to make sure no one has left anything on the boobag racks or in their mailbox. If someone has left something they will notify that person.


What must you do when your table is called to line up?

Push your chair in


How many are allowed in the restroom at a time?

5 (unless there is a stall out of order)


How many compliments do we need in order to play Plinko?



Where does the Library Organizer place picture books and chapter books?

Picture books go on the black shelf, chapter books go on the tan shelf


How do we get our name on the WOW board during Heggerty?

1. Eyes on the teacher

2. Doing the movements

3. I can hear your voice 


Name 2 ways you can show your work in math.

1. draw tens and ones

2. tens and ones t-chart

3. number line

4. drawing sticks and dots 

5. writing about it in words 


When can you run when we are going to recess?

Once you get to the grass-no running on the sidewalk


How do you get to write your name on the WOW Board? Give 1 example.

Being kind and respectful, trying hard on your work, transitioning to your next station quickly and quietly, staying on task during stations, doing something the first time I ask, etc. 


What does the Phone Answerer say when they answer the phone?

"Hello, Ms. Childers' class"


How many sweepers are there?



What 2 things do you do when you are done eating breakfast?

1. Throw trash away in the hallway

2. Wipe down table with a Lysol wipe


Where do you line up in the Cafeteria when waiting for Mrs. Childers?

Along the back wall with everyone on their own green dot-no dots should be skipped


Name 2 ways to show respect in our classroom.

Listening to the speaker, raising your hand before speaking, helping a friend in need, including others who don't have a partner etc. 


What does the Banker do?

The Banker pays students for doing their jobs and handles the money transactions when students buy seats and rewards.


Sweepers and Table Cleaners also do their job in...

The Cafeteria


What 2 things do you do with your silver communication folder in the morning?

1. Show Mrs. Childers your folder and give her any notes you have

2. Place folder in mailbox


Name 2 things you should not do in the Cafeteria.

1. You should not throw food

2. You should not yell

3. You should not get up unless an adult has told you that you can

4. You should not throw trash or food on the ground


What block do we walk on in the hallway?

3rd block from the wall


Name 2 places the line leader must stop and wait for Mrs. Childers when walking in the hallway

1. Outside of Ms. Higgs' door

2. At the bottom of the ramp outside of Ms. Kelsey's door

3. At the first grade hallway (when coming back from related arts)

4. At the clock by Ms. Ice's door (when coming back from lunch)


How do we sit on the rug?

1. in our carpet spots

2. sitting up on our bottom (not laying down)

3. voices off and eyes on the speaker

4. raise hand before speaking 


How many books can you have in your green book bin at a time? 



What can you do with your work at home to get more dojo points?

correct any mistakes 


When does the teacher get a point in our Beat the Teacher game?

If the class is not listening, if Mrs. Childers has to say "Class Class" more than once, if we do not beat the clean up timer etc. 
