True or False: Phones are allowed to be out and on desks.
FALSE! Phones should be off and away.
How do you hold your laptop when you are walking around the classroom?
Two hands and close to the chest.
True or False:
I may never use the bathroom during class.
When you 'gotta' go, you 'gotta' go!
Be mindful of appropriate/respectful times to go. AKA When Mrs. Hodgkins is talking = don't ask.
Bathroom passes begin tomorrow!
True or False:
There are only bad consequences.
Consequence: the result of an action (good or bad)
How do we line up for fire drills?
Single file.
What are the three main things you need to do when you enter the classroom?
1. Get out supplies
2. Put up bookbag
3. Do the BW question
Before you close your laptop at the end of the class, what must you do?
Sign off.
When is the best time to go get a drink of water?
Before or after class. (The water fountain is super close to this class!!!)
Excessive time in the bathroom will lead too...
Not being able to use bathroom passes (This just not include emergencies)
What should I do when I am absent?
Check canvas.
What is the policy on eating and drinking in the classroom?
Not allowed unless you ask and Mrs. Hodgkins say it's okay.
*No sharing*
What do you do if your laptop is not on your desk or in the cart?
Tell Mrs. Hodgkins immediately.
Where do you pick up papers?
On the back counter. (Make sure it's for the right period!)
What happens if you don't finish the BW in time for the BW check?
You do not get credit for that day.
When we work on projects we wear...
Safety glasses when Mrs. Hodgkins says so.
When someone comes on the intercom, what voice level are we?
0 (silent)
What are the rules for using the internet during class?
Go only where Mrs. Hodgkins says too. Websites need to be on task. (Cookie clicker in the background is not allowed!)
At the end of class, my space should be...
Clean! Nothing should be on the floor and supplies put away.
Failing to follow laptop rules will lead to... (Can be three things)
1. Detention
2. Contact Home
3. Severe = referral
I turned in something late and it's still a 0! I should...
Be patient and wait until Mrs. Hodgkins grades it. If I don't want 0's, I should turn in work on time.
When you talk to others in the class, what does Mrs. Hodgkins dislike the most?
Calling each other names/being mean to each other.
Something is not working on your laptop, what should you do?
Trouble shoot, disconnect and reconnect from the internet, close the browser and reopen, restart the laptop. If that fails, do see Mrs. Hodgkins.
When Mrs. Hodgkins claps...
You clap the rhythm and stop talking!
Name a good consequences and a negative consequences (3 each)
Good: rewards!!!!! (Tickets, free time, board games)
Negative: Detention, Calling home, Loss of Technology
If I'm focused and on task during class I will have less... (two things)
Homework and stress!