Your Work
Our Class
Our School
Group Work
Mixed Bag

What should you do if you are struggling to complete an assignment, even though you are trying your very best?

What is ask for help! Either from the teacher or a friend.


What should you do if you feel like you are going to be sick in the classroom?

Grab the garbage can and head to the nurse!


Name 2 things you should do at an assembly to show respect for the presenter.

-Sit quietly
-Clap when appropriate
-Rise your hand and ask appropriate questions.


What should you do if you have a question while the teacher is working with small groups?

Ask 3 before me!!! 


What are your choices if you finish classwork early?

- Complete any May-Do activities
- Read a book
- St Math
- Epic


What should you do with work you haven't finished?

Put it away in a safe place to finish later. That can be in school or at home.


What should you do if you have a conflict with another student?

Try to work it out or ask an adult for help.


What happens if you don't follow the school or classroom rules?

-Loss of privileges
-Your parents can be notified
-Conversation with Mr. Goodman


What should you be doing if the teacher is working with a small group?

Completing your daily Must-Do activities on the board or in Schoology.


What will the teacher do if they need you to get quiet?

-Attention Getter
-Door Bell


Where should you hand in classwork and/or homework?

Turn in bin! 


When should you access the classroom library?

Any time there is free time you may look for a book.


Name 2 ways you can be responsible and respectful in the lunchroom.

-Clean up after yourself
-Talk Quietly
-No sharing food


Name 2 things you need to remember while you are working when the teacher is working in small groups.

-Noise level should be no higher than a 1 if you are speaking to someone else (Starbucks Mode)
-Focus on the work assigned.


How should you treat classroom materials that are not yours?

With respect!


What will happen if you turn in work that is not your best or incomplete?

The assignment will be returned to you to complete correctly. 


What should you do if you find an item in the school that does not belong to you?

Give it to an adult.


How should you respond if you hear the fire alarm?

Quietly line up by the door in number order!


Name 2 things that will make you a good member of the group during a group project or partner assignment.

-Working as a team
-Everyone contributes
-Doing the best work you can.


How should you handle yourself if someone comes into the classroom or the phone rings?

Continue working at a quiet level. Be respectful.


What will happen if you do not turn in classwork or homework?

You will complete it during recess and a parent will be contacted.


What should you do first thing in the morning once you arrive?

Unpack and look at the board for directions.


Name 2 things you need to remember when walking through the hallways.

-Hands off the wall! No touching other students work hanging in the hallway.
-No talking
-Look in the direction you are walking


Name 2 things you should remember when you are working in a small group with the teacher.

-Be an active learner
-Bring all of the required items
-Ask questions!


What should you do if you need to use the bathroom?

Wait for independent work time. 1boy and 1 girl out at a time.
