To keep order
What is why do we need procedures ?
Students place this on their desk.
What is homework assignment?
Expected of tardy students entering the room noisy.
What is walk in quietly?
Will inform you when it is time for class dismissal
What is the teacher?
Without procedures students do not know
What is expected of them?
when students have completed a class assignment.
What is wait quietly for the teacher's instruction?
Leave it on the desk or give to teacher if she is not teaching
What is tardy pass?
Procedures facilitate this.
What is efficiency?
This prevent you from doing a classroom assignment
What is no materials or not coming to class prepared?
A tardy student suppose to do this after taking a seat.
What is read the board?
Leave room single file to the designated spot
What is a fire drill?
It is __________ nature to have procedures.
What is human?
A-assignment N-name D-date
What is how to head assignments?
When a student is not inside when the bell rings.
What is you are late to class?
Outlined and enforced in your all throughout school and classrooms.
What is all school rules?
_________ help students maintain expectations.
What is procedures?
Three to five days to make up missing work.
What is the time allotted for missed assignments?
To make-up any assignments or tests in a timely manner ?
What is when you are absent from class?
Walk quietly and line up as a class outside.
What is a class suppose to do during a fire drill?
I will give you my very best everyday and ask the same from you in return.
What is the teacher's promise to students?