Hand Signals
In the Morning
Work Time

Thumb in between index and middle finger while had is closed in a fist. Fist is shaking gently.

What is I need to use the bathroom?


Take your number from the door and put it under the category: tray, home, turkey, ham, or pb&j.

How do I make my lunch choice?


A solid tone sounds across the intercom. Go into the boys bathroom. Get down on the floor on your hands and knees, and cover your head. All this should be done quietly while the teacher checks to see if everyone is there. 

What is a tornado drill?


10:00am & 2:35pm

What times are recess?


This is the time that you are completely quiet. You work quietly without disturbing others until you finish your pages. Check over all the answers to make sure nothing is left blank and answers are reasonable. Check for your name and date. Turn in completed pages. Sit quietly and read or work.

What is what you do during a test?


Finger tracing the line down your own throat from top to bottom repeatedly.

What is I need a drink?


Hang up coats/jackets/hoodies, backpacks, and lunch boxes. Unpack binders, books, water bottles, and anything that should be handed in. Go directly to your desk.

How should you come into the room in the morning?


Get under your desk or table on all fours and cover your head. Wait until the teacher/office says that is all clear to move and evacuate to the playground.

What is an earthquake drill?


Yes, of course you can play with me/us.

What you say if someone wants to play with you or your group


Name                             Subject

Date                              Pages & Problem #s

What is what I write at the top of my papers?


One hand raised in the air by the teacher. Others copy teacher.

What is I need your attention or quiet please?


Fill water bottles, use the bathroom, eat breakfast, unpack backpacks, do lunch choice, and turn in homework.

What are things you should do before the 8am bell?


Hearing 2 beeping signals, students line up immediately, and leave the building to the playground. The teacher will need take attendance so quiet will be necessary. Listen for all clear.

What is a fire drill?


I'm very sorry. How can I help you? I didn't mean for this to happen. It wasn't on purpose.

What I can say if someone gets hurt during a game at recess?


I raise my hand at my seat and wait patiently for someone to call on me. 

What is how to ask a question?


Teacher waves hand forward and backward by their side while standing and talking/teaching others.

What is in a minute but not yet?


Go to the office and get a tardy slip or a pass that tells me that you have been checked in. Tell them your lunch choice. Come to class afterwards. Give me the slip, unpack, water bottle, bathroom, turn in work, sit quietly to not disrupt learning.

What should you do if you are late?


Doors are locked, shades are down, you are to help block the doors with furniture, and then sit quietly like you are not not in the room away from windows and doors until the all clear. 

What is an intruder drill?


The ball, went off campus, out of bounds, or in the parking lot. Stop! Go to the teacher and ask for permission to go get it.

What I should do to get a runaway ball?


Touch each question and it's answer to make sure each question has an answer. Count, in the directions, how many things you were supposed to do to each sentence, problem, or section. Does anything need to be labeled?

What is how to check a paper to turn in for 5th grade?


Teacher's hand comes down as a karate type chop into their open other hand while they are looking at you.

What is stop what you are doing?


Write assignment book page or cut/glue it in. Check to see if you have money or notes for the teacher or office. If you do turn them in. Binders and SRI books go in the basket on the side of your desk.

 What do I need to do when I'm at my seat in the morning?


You hear an announcement to shelter in place and then an order to evacuate as soon as the busses arrive. You are driven by bus to State Tech and put in a secure location until you are checked out by your parent/guardian.

What is a chemical spill emergency (train or MFA)?

WALK quietly from the classroom in a line all the way to the grass before beginning to run to where I want to play. Look both ways before crossing the area between the building and the playground.

What is how to go to recess correctly?


Yesterday's work isn't done and you just found it in your workbook/notebook. Walk it up to the teacher. Tell them you made a mistake and need some afterschool or before school time to finish it. It's okay because you can still get it done. 

What is what you do when you have unfinished work?
