True/False: The expectation is that every student will turn in every assignment, every day, for every class.
True/False: You should set your things down and take care of your A, B, C, D job during the first 5 minutes.
True/False: It is ok to turn in missing work/assignments during advisory.
True/False: It is ok to use your cell phone in the restroom.
True/False: You may not bring a water bottle to school.
Where can you find the day's lessons and work?
If you do not have a pencil, and a friend does not have a pencil you can borrow, what should you do?
Can trade your daily ticket for a pencil.
If you were disruptive or disrespectful when asked to go to the safe seat, where would you be asked to go instead?
Buddy room
If you need to call a parent...where should you call from?
The front office
Where does your backpack belong during the school day?
In your locker.
What is the program called where you can check your grades?
Tyler SIS
If you do not have a ticket, and you receive a warning, where will you be asked to move to?
Safe Seat
Where do you go right when you come into the building (hint: there are 2 possible locations)?
The cafeteria if you eat breakfast or the gym if you do not.
Air pods, I pads, other wireless devices should be located where.....
At home or in your locker
_______________ are given to students when they demonstrate exemplary behavior and model one of our Second Steps skills.
Wolf Bucks
Bus passes will not be issued over the ________________.
How do you know where to find the science journals if that is your job for the week?
Enter the cafeteria on the west or _______ side.
Your Chrome Book should come to school every day fully ___________.
What is an example of a gateway behavior?
Spinning a fidget toy
Tapping a pencil
Writing notes
Rolling eyes
Entering the room noisily
Getting out of seat
Making noises
Chair tilting
Staring off
Dress code violations
Putting up hood
If you are absent on the last day of the quarter, when should you turn your work on.
The day you get back to school
it is important to listen to and _________ directions.
In order to leave a classroom, you must fill out an ______________.
Ehall Pass
Any violations of the District Technology Acceptable Use Policy may result in the ______of user account.
If you are asked to go to a buddy room, you will need to fill out a _____________________.
think sheet