Arrival/ Dismissal
Classroom 2
Follow the teachers directions. Wait for my group to be called to pack up. Get my bookbag and my papers from the mailbox. Get my homework. Pack my bag at my seat. Sit and wait for directions.
What are the dismissal procedures and where are they located?
Do not talk, but listen carefully.
What does "voices off, ears on" mean?
Come and talk to your teacher one on one and we will work together to accomodate you.
What do you do if you cannot handle sitting next to others?
To yourself.
Where should your hands, feet, and objects be at all times?
Sign language "r". (Crossed fingers)
What is the signal to let the teacher know you have to use the bathroom?
The teacher! Why?
Who should you listen to when it is time for dismissal?
At an intersection.
When walking to another place, where should you stop?
False. Why?
True or False: It is okay to talk with your neighbor while the teacher is teaching.
False: I have 2 pencils in the team tote and Mrs. Thompkins has extras. Pencils will be sharpened at the end of the day. (There is a small sharpener for emergency sharpening in the team tote.)
True or false: I can get up anytime I need to sharpen my pencil.
Give others privacy. Use toilet paper appropriately. Leave the bathroom clean for the next person. RESPECT
How can you respect others after using the restroom.
False. Why?
True or False: It is okay to leave the line and talk to a friend just for a second.
Walk facing forward. Stay to the right unless the teacher tells you differently.
How should we walk in the hallway?
I should choose a book on my level. Write my name in the book checkout notebook. Write the title of the book and the date I checked it out. When I am finished I should write the date that I turned it in.
What should you do if you want to check out a book from the classroom library?
On the top line should be your first and last name and the date. The next line should have the subject.
How do you head the top of your paper before turning it in?
Wash your hands with soap. Walk carefully so you don't slip. Throw away the paper towels in the trashcan.
After using the restroom, what should you do before leaving?
The teacher may have something important to say and I don't walk to get lost.
Why is it important to follow directions for dismissal?
Never! Why?
When is it okay to run in the hallway?
Follow the directions of the teacher. Walk in a straight, quiet line to our designation. Do not play or run ahead. Stay silent and listen for further instruction.
When there an emergency (drill or real), what should you do?
The black tray on Mrs. Thompkins desk. It has a label for each subject on the side. (What happens if you don't turn your work in?)
Where should you turn in your classwork?
True. Why?
True or False: When leaving the bathroom, make sure to leave the bathroom clean for the next person.
Enter the room quietly. Take my supplies that I need for the day and put it in my desk. Hang my bookbag up in my cubbie.
What are the morning procedures and where are they located?
Use quiet voices and follow adult directions. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Walk in a single file line to the table and fill in the next seat. Stay in your seat. Do not share food. Keep your area clean. Clean up after yourself so others don't have to.
What are the cafeteria procedures? Where are they so you can remind yourself?
To admit when you have done something even though you don't want to. Give an example.
What does it mean to take responsibility for your actions?
Good behavior, hard work, respect, doing my job, and following directions.
How do I earn tickets to buy prizes on Fridays?
It kills the germs on your hands that you do not want to share with others.
Why is it important to wash your hands after using the restroom?