What type of noise should you hear when we are quiet?
soft whispers, within your group.
Where do you turn in assignments?
In the trays on the shelf
What type of voice level should you use when working in small groups?
Where do you look to find your homework agenda?
The white board by the door
Where do you put extra copies of work OR go to find an extra copy of an assignment?
The crate under back table, go to the file number that matches the date the assignment was completed.
What do you do when the teacher says " tiger"?
student says "pride", stop what you are doing, eyes on the teacher.
What happens when the class is to loud?
We go to silent working.
What if my pencil breaks?
Get a sharpened pencil out of the bucket.
Where can you find a copy of the class notes?
bottom shelf of the white bookshelf in the correct labeled subject binder
What can you do if you finish work early?
go to the early finisher bucket in back of room, choose an activity from bucket to complete at desk
What do you do if you need the teachers help while working?
raise your hand
What do you do if you need to go to the bathroom?
sign language letter r, sign out, take pass, sign in
How should the classroom books be put away?
By matching the letter on the back of the book to the letter on the bucket
What is the purpose of anchor charts? point to the location of each subject chart
Used to help remind you of the notes and topics studied in class
Explain how people blurting out effects the classroom climate.
It makes it chaotic.
How can you earn extra recess?
By completing your work during class
If you do not finish your classwork when will it be completed?
during recess
What is the peace zone used for?
To calm down if you feel overwhelmed, to regroup if you're having a bad day, to take a moment to yourself.
What can the teacher mailbox be used for?
To write notes to the teacher about anything and everyting!
What do we do BEFORE we come in for breakfast?
Remove items from our backpack and hang in up.
List up to 3 things you should NOT do at recess?
follow the equipment safety expectations no hands on other students, no pushing, no throwing rocks/sticks/grass/mulch, no being rude
Who is responsible for your supplies?
You, the student, you will keep track of your supplies throughout the week (you will only get 5 pencils)
How should you treat students in the peace zone?
leave them alone, give them space, check up on them at a later time
What are student mailboxes used for?
To file graded work, check each morning to see if you have any graded work to sort in your binder