Class Rules
Study Skills Schedule
Ms. Walton
Purpose of Study Skills
Cardinals will maximize learning
What is one of the classroom rules?
*Students will grab their folder after their have grabbed their DOFET *Folders for Ms. Walton’s class are on the top shelf of the bookshelf #1 upon entering the classroom (WALTON is labeled on the left of the shelf)
What does grabbing your Study Skills Folder look like?
Social Studies Review/Work
What will we do on Tuesdays?
Conifer, Colorado
Where did Ms. Walton grow up?
Cardinals will be respectful
What is another classroom rule?
You will use to folder to have HW to complete and hold completed HW
What will you use your Study Skills folder for? (2 things)
Work Day (Kelsey’s Coffee)/ Study Skills Documents
What do we do on Wednesdays?
University of Oregon University of Nevada at Las Vegas
List the 2 colleges Ms. Walton went to. (Bachelor's and Master's degrees)
*Arrive prepared & on time (take care of personal needs during passing periods) *Be in seats at both bells *Have backpacks off tables *Be on task (recognize & respond to teacher’s start signal; remain seated throughout class; only work on assigned tasks)
What does the rule "maximize learning" look like?
1. Weekly Work Agenda 2. Weekly Calendar
What 2 documents go into your Study Skills folder?
Science/Math Review/Work
What do we do on Thursdays?
I Love to run marathons.
What was the lie Ms. Walton told during the 3 Truths and a Lie game?
*Leave a place better than you find it *Act professionally (listen silently when one person is speaking to the group; use kind words and tone; sit up and track the speaker; challenge ideas, not people
What does the rule "be respectful" look like?
Copy your work from the “What Needs to Happen This Week” Slide on the document. You will need to write the assignments under the correct name of the subject (for example: Reading Journal will go under English). There will be 5 slides with the 4 core subjects and Seminar/Electives.
What do you write on your Weekly Work Agenda?
Math/Fun stuff 
What do we do on Fridays?
Brian, Cheryl, Molly
Name the 3 other members of Ms. Walton's family.
Step 1: Proximity Control (Teacher will walk and stand close to student, this serves as first WARNING) Step 2: Whispered Conversation (Teacher will say to student, “During this time I expect . I already gave you a warning, this serves as your second warning for exhibiting . If this continues, it will result in a demit.” Step 3: Demerit Step 4: Contact Grade Level AP
What is the 4 step redirection sequence?
EVERY MONDAY, after writing the assignments that need to get done on your SSWWA (Study Skills Weekly Work Agenda), you will fill in the weekly work calendar and write the specific assignments you will do/complete on each day from the SSWWA.
What do you write on your Weekly Calendar after filling out the Weekly Work Agenda?
Study Skills Documents (Calendar & Work Agenda) Organize Folder English Review/Work
What are the 3 activities will we do on Mondays?
Snowboarding and Softball
List Ms. Walton's hobbies.
This course will serve as a study class that will fuse together skills-based curriculum and core content support (ELA, Science, Math, Social Studies). Multiple study and life skills will be taught and utilized in the Study Skills class and they will be directly applied to the student’s core content classes and their life outside of the school. Students will develop competency in themselves through self-advocacy, executive functioning and communication. From here, students will develop skills to be aware of who they are and what their IEP means for them and the teachers they will have in their core content classes. In this class, students will provided with opportunities for personal growth, as well as, growth in core content classes through multiple days of independent work and study time. Specific days will be set aside for core content classes. Monday and Tuesday will have students focused on ELA and Social Studies. Wednesday and Thursday will have students focused on Science and Math. Also, Study Skills will be broken up into various units in order to develop the skills mentioned earlier. These study skills will be taught on Fridays and reinforced on Mondays. Mondays will also have a small focus in organizational skills, such as agendas and class grades tracking.
Summarize the purpose of Study Skills.