How should I enter the classroom?
Quietly, go straight to YOUR seat, read board, and begin warm-up.
Miss Highlander is teaching, what should you be doing?
Sitting, not talking, and following along.
For female students, what is appropriate for dress code?
Jeggings/leggings/tights must be accompanied with a top that covers the private areas, front and back
How do you properly return your materials before leaving class?
Return all materials to their designated areas. Do not leave materials on desk or floor.
What should you do if you don’t understand the instructions during a lesson?
Wait for an appropriate time to raise your hand to ask the teacher.
What if I am absent the previous day?
Miss. Highlander will gather your things for you. You may have to remind her! But don't do it in the middle of class.
What should I do when working on independent work?
Working quietly. Not talking to others. Focused so I am not distracting others.
For male students your shorts must be...
Shorts must be longer than mid-thigh
What is the proper way to leave the classroom?
Wait for the teacher to dismiss you; do not pack up early or rush out.
If you see another student talking while the teacher is talking, what is the best action to take?
Ignore the distraction and focus on what the teacher is saying
What if I need to use the bathroom, nurse, etc.?
I cannot go in the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class. During class, I need to wait until there is an appropriate time. I will need to raise my hand.
If the teacher asks you to distribute papers, what should you do?
Pass out papers neatly and quietly, ensuring that each student gets the correct paper.
What is PCMS consequences for cheating?
Cheating includes cheating on tests, copying work of others, copying word-for-word from books, magazines, encyclopedias, technology media, or other acts of plagiarism, including distribution of any assessment material (i.e., failing to cite proper documentation or authorship, using someone else's term paper, using electronic devices/internet/other people to translate foreign languages), or other similar activities.
The following outline will delineate the consequences: 1st offense:
1 day ISS, Work redone/alternate assignment, and Parent will be notified.
2nd offense: 2 days ISS, Work redone/alternate assignment, Parent will be notified
How should you dispose of trash after a group activity?
Walk to the trash can quietly, and throw away any trash without disturbing others.
If you're having trouble with a classmate, what should you do?
Talk to the teacher privately or use a conflict-resolution strategy.
What if I arrive late to class?
If you need to sharpen your pencil during class, what is the best way to do it?
Wait for an appropriate time, like during independent work time, and use the pencil sharpener quietly.
What is PCM food and drink policy?
Food may not be delivered to students during the school day by food delivery establishments/services, including but not limited to Uber Eats, DoorDash, Grubhub, etc. Restaurant/delivery cups/cans are not allowed in classrooms. All beverages must be in a cup with a screw top lid. Classrooms will not be interrupted to inform students of lunch deliveries. No energy drinks.
If the teacher asks you to line up for anything, what is the most respectful way to do it?
Stand up, quietly gather your belongings, and line up in an orderly fashion.
When the teacher asks you to move to a new seat, how should you do so?
Quietly and quickly, without disturbing others or causing a distraction.
What should you do if you finish your work early?
read quietly.
How can you show respect during group work?
Listen to others’ ideas, share your own ideas politely, and contribute to the group’s success.
What is PCM rules for the office phone?
The use of the front office phone is discouraged for things other than emergencies. Students asking to use the front office phone will be expected to have a pass from their teacher and will present to the office personnel their reason for use. Students who do need the phone will be expected to know the number of the person they are calling. Acceptable reasons for office phone use are to make transportation changes warranted by school athletics/club changes. Permission to use the office phone will be left up to the office staff/administrators.
What do you do if there is trash on your desk or floor, but it is not yours?
Kindly pick it up. You may grab a tissue or paper towel to use to pick it up if you do not want germs on you. Then place it in the trash can.
What should you do if you need a new piece of paper, but the teacher is in the middle of teaching?
Wait for an appropriate time to ask, or grab one during a transition when you can do so quietly.