What are the 8 parts of speech?
Identify the Prepositions in this sentence:
We went to the store for milk.
Correct the sentence and identify if it is PP or PS:
You's working on your computer.
Present Progressive
My mom often cleans the house on Saturdays.
Present simple
Identify the correct preposition:
I am Peter and I live ____ Germany. ____ the summer, I like to travel ____ Italy, because the weather and the people are nice there.
in, In, to
Give me the hammer and the nails. I will fix the broken shelf.
me = pronoun
hammer = noun
nails = noun
I = pronoun
shelf = noun
Identify the Conjunction in this sentence:
Mike wants a new car, but he can't afford it.
What is the correct answer? Identify the tense.
Ahmed _____ his car.
1. are washing
2. is washing
Ahmed is washing his car.
washing = present progressive
Correct the sentence: My friend (not/go) fishing on Monday's.
Is it present simple or present progressive?
My friend doesn't go fishing on Monday's.
Present simple
They are sitting ____ the table.
Identify the Verbs in this sentence:
Barbara took a shower, made breakfast, and left the house at 9:00.
made = verb
left = verb
Choose the correct parts of speech for the words in the following sentences:
The / lazy / man / slept / in / the afternoon, / and / he / was very / tired at night.
the = article
lazy = adjective
man = noun
slept = verb
in = preposition
the afternoon = noun
and = conjunction
he = pronoun
was very = adverb
tired = adjective
1. not listening
2. am not listening
I am not listening to the radio at the moment.
not listening = present progressive
Look! (They/dance) in the kitchen!
Look! They are dancing in the kitchen!
Present progressive
I want to spend a year ___ Barcelona.
Identify the Adjectives in this sentence:
The chicken was overcooked, dry, and tasteless.
overcooked, dry, tasteless
The / black / cat / ran / quickly / down / the / street / at / night.
black = adjective
cat = noun
ran = verb
quickly = adverb
down = preposition
the = article
street = noun
at = preposition
night = noun
present simple
Present simple
I like the sea, but I prefer swimming ___ a swimming pool.
Identify the adverbs in this sentence:
Mario speaks softly, but his eyes are intensely bright.
softly, intensely
The / cute / puppy / slept / well / on / a / very / comfortable / couch.
The = article
cute = adjective
puppy = noun
slept = verb
well = adverb
on = preposition
a = article
very = adverb
comfortable = adjective
couch = noun
Explain the rules of Present simple.
Explain the rules of Present progressive.
Present simple is a routine, it happens often.
Present progressive happens spontaneously, it is temporary, it is happening RIGHT NOW. It usually ends with -ing.
The students are talking very loud right now.
Present progressive
at, to, on