How do I show my teacher that I need to use the bathroom?
Silent two fingers
If you finish your work early what should you always do unless your teacher tells you something different?
Take out an independent reading book
What should the volume be like during center time?
Level 0- silent
Level 1- Whisper
How do we handle our tablets
With care. We hold it with 2 hands.
Where do I put books that I got from our class library?
In my number bin
How do I show my teacher that I understand?
Where does homework go and when should you turn it in?
In the homework bin as soon as you put your backpack away in the morning
What does ask 3 before me mean?
Ask 3 classmates if you have a question. If you still do not know what to do ask the teacher
What can we not have on our desk when we have our tablets?
Water, snacks. our desk should be clean.
With respect. Like it is something that belongs to our parents.
What should I do if my teacher tells me that now is not a good time to get a drink?
Wait patiently until my teacher tells me that it is a good time to get a drink.
Explain the 4 steps of our morning routine
1. Sanitize your hands
2.Sit in your chair and complete your morning work
3. Eat your breakfast
4. Start morning work.
4. take out your homework agenda
What does one bell ring during centers mean?
2 minute warning Start cleaning your area. Start preparing to transition!
What should we take out to help with our passwords when we have a tablet?
Our binder clips with our passwords.
How do we line up?
When our teacher calls our number. Push in our chair and get in line without being close to our classmates.
What will happen if I shout out without raising my hand?
Lose a dojo point :(
What will happen if you are distracting others and not following directions in the classroom?
Lose dojo points or lose time from recess
What does the second bell ring during centers mean?
Wait for your teacher to tell you to transition to your next center.
Should we stand or run while our tablets are in our hands?
No. Miss. R, will tell you to put it away. You will lose tablet privileges for the day.
Look on the door for our jobs or ask a classmate
How do we walk in the hallway
Silent, on the blue dots.
What happens if the class has a great resource and we get a complement
We get a marble in our class jar.
What are the only reasons to disrupt me while I am working with a group?
Bleeding, Fire, someone is hurt or sick.
How do we put tablets away?
What are the school expectations?
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe