How old is Mrs. Sisson
When and where should you make your lunch choice
I am finished with my work early. What should I do?
Early finisher bin or read a book
What should it look and sound like in the hallway while walking somewhere or when getting supplies from cubby
No one should be talking. If we are in a line, we should be straight and walking.
Where can I find a bandaid?
When is it acceptable to get a bandaid?
In the Boo Boo Jar
If I am bleeding or have a deep scratch
What sports did Mrs. Sisson play in high school
Softball and Cheerleading
The extra supplies bucket beside the door.
I'm hungry, can I eat anytime I want?
No. Snack is after encore. Snack should be healthy and not candy. Snack should be finished and put away.
I need to ask a question, what should I do
What is Mrs. Sisson's favorite sport to watch
I have homework to turn in. Where do I put it?
The homework folder behind the turn in bin
Find and tell an adult.
I'm thirsty, what can I have to drink?
Water only
Ignore them or nicely remind them to stop talking.
What is Mrs. Sisson's favorite color
I am finished with an assignment that needs to be turned in, where do I put it?
The turn in bin
Black - Sisson
White - Stull
Someone said I was annoying them. What should I do
Ignore them and go do something else.
What do tally marks mean?
We get 5 free tallies. On the 6th tally, the whole class will write a letter or sentences based on what was going wrong in the classroom.
I don't have a book to read, what should I do
What is Mrs. Sisson's husbands name
I can't find a jacket I lost. Where should I look?
The lost and found bin in the hallway on the counter
Read a book, organize my supplies/binder, take an AR test
Explain red, yellow, green zone
Red - silent
Yellow - whisper
Green - Talk normally
(Never shouting)
What is Mrs. Sisson's favorite candy
Twix or skittles