When you come to school, are you allowed to play at the park?
After you ask your teacher to go the washroom, what do you need to do?
Sign out
Wash or sanitize your hands
What do you need to make sure you have in your back pack?
lunch bag, important papers, homework (sometimes) pencil case, water bottle and books
Are you allowed to playfight?
Where do you place your lunch bag?
On the shelf above your hook
Do you go to washroom alone or with a partner?
with a partner
During first nutrition break will you have the opportunity to talk or watch a show?
How should you leave your desk?
Where do you place your water bottle?
On the counter by the sink
Once you've used the washroom, what should you do?
wash your hands
watch a show
How should leave the floor around your desk?
Are you allowed to go behind the portables during recess?
How do you go up and down the stairs?
On the right hand side
When you come back to the classroom, what should you do?
sign back in
Which bathroom can you use?
The bathrooms by the East gym
What should you do with your chair?
stack it
Are you allowed to hop the fence to get a ball?
No, please tell an adult and they may be able to get it for you.
How do you walk in a line?
During nutritionbreak or recess.
At the end of each nutrition break, what are you supposed to do?
place your lunch bag on the shelf above your hook
make sure there is no garbage, paper or wrapper around your desk
How should you walk towards your bus line?
You should walk quietly.
If someone doesn't have anyone to play with, what can you do?
Ask them if they would like to play or hang out with you?