Where do you line up?
Against the wall
When are you allowed to get ready for break?
When the teacher has told the class to get ready.
When someone is talking where should you be looking?
At the speaker
When you are done your work where does it go?
The in bin
Do you come in first or go outside first?
Go outside first
During break time where should you sit?
At your desk
If you have made a mistake what should you say?
I'm sorry for ____, next time I will _____.
If you are asked to put something away where should it go?
In your binder in your desk.
Where do your boots go?
The locker or ramp
When you need something who should you ask?
The teacher on duty.
Where can you get supplies that you need for class? (2 part answer)
From the classroom bins, or by asking a friend.
When you are waiting for the teacher to start where should you be?
At your desk waiting (with a book if bored)
What shoes should you wear in our classroom?
Indoor shoes
If you have problems outside and have used your words but still need help what should you do?
Get the teacher on duty.
When you want to borrow something from a friend what should you do?
Ask them first.
When you want to answer a question or contribute to the discussion what should you do first?
Raise your hand and wait to be called on.
What are you expected to do when at your seat?
Get out a book for silent reading and wait for announcements.
When should you visit with your friends?
Outside during outdoor break time.
When we have finished playing a game in Gym and your team lost what should you say to the other team?
Good game/ thanks for playing.
When you are done your work what can you do? (6 answers)
Read, draw, colour, boggle, sudoku, unfinished work.