When should you hand your work in?
On time!
Where are you allowed to use your cell phone at school?
In the classroom
What is the new principal's name?
Mrs. LaHaye
When Miss. Taylor says "ready set," we say...
If I need to go to the washroom, I must...
1. Ask Miss. Taylor
2. Write my name on the chalk board
Where do you hand your work in?
To Miss. Taylor in person and or on D2L
If I use a laptop I must...
If I use an iPad I must...
Laptop: Plug it back in and or return it to the class right after I am done with it
iPad: Return it to the class right after I am done with it
When we go on school trips or order lunches/milk, where do I put my money?
On school cash online
If you need a pencil, you can get it from...
The store during Economy
If I have a question about the work we are doing, I should...
Ask a few other students before asking Miss. Taylor
What happens if you don't hand your work in on time?
You stay in at recess to complete it and you get a fine
When are you allowed to use your cell phone?
1. When Miss. Taylor says
2. During class time for research
I can only put ________ in our classroom recycling bin
When Miss. Taylor begins talking, we are saying prayer, or announcements are on, I should...
Stop talking, sit/stand still, and listen
When and where are you allowed to listen to music?
When I am on task doing work in the classroom
If I am working in a group on an activity or assignment, I should...
Be on task
If I am using a laptop, I should be using it for...
School work only!
Name three places you are allowed to complete work other than our classroom
Learning commons, hallway, and outside
If I want to sit in the hallway, learning commons, or outside to do work I must...
Be respectful of the area I am working in by cleaning up the space, being on task, and working quietly
Where can I find my marks when Miss. Taylor grades me on something?
When I do any work, I should always put these two things on the page...
What are the consequences to not using your device properly in class?
1. Goes on Miss. Taylor's desk for the day
2. Goes to the office for the day
3. Not allowed at school for the remainder of the year
Name 5 staff members, 3 of them cannot be teachers!
Mrs. LaHaye, Mrs. Brennan, Ms. Hayes, Mrs. Wilson, Ms. Murray, Mrs. Kennelly, Mrs. Vader, Mr. Brennan, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Murphy, Ms. Wringe, Miss. Taylor, Ms. McLelland, Mrs. Vivian, Ms. Berry, Mme. Pemberton, Ms. Simon, Ms. Prevost
When I take my outdoor shoes off after recess, I should... When I pack up my belongings at the end of the day, I should...
1. Line them up against the wall
2. Put my chair up on my desk and put my work inside my desk
What are the two most important classroom expectations on our classroom agreement?
Respect and try your best