What is the classroom's 3 rules?
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
How to we enter the classroom?
Act out the correct way to line up.
walk, push in chair, face forward, hands to yourself, level 0
Explain the purple folder routine.
Take home every night. Keep at home side gets emptied, return to school side gets signed and brought back. Have it ready on your desk every morning to be checked.
various answers
-1 point
-2 points
-3 points
-1 point is a reminder
-2 points is a reteach
-3 points is a reflection
Purple Folder
Act out how we come to the carpet.
walk, push in chair, level 0, face forward, be ready to listen.
What are the expectations for working at the technology station?
level 0
use your own log in
always be on the correct website
Explain how to line up at recess.
Correct Explanation
Give an example of how to be responsible in the class?
Various Answers... cleaning up, turning in homework, staying on task, being prepared...
When do you put your book bag away?
When your group is called.
Act out our bathroom routine.
Raise 2 fingers, walk to grab pass, put it on desk, use restroom quickly, walk back to class, put pass back.
Explain how you are expected to work in a group?
G- get along
R- respect others
O- offer feedback thoughtfully
U- use soft voices
P- Participate
S- Stay on Task
Act out the 4 voice levels.
level 0
level 1
level 2
level 3
level 0- no talking
level 1- whisperlevel 2- regular voice
level 3- outside voice
Name the awards you choose for following our rules:
+25 points
+50 points
+75 points
+100 points
+25 = change your character & candy
+50 = teacher chair and smelly marker
+75 = homework pass and note home
+100= lunch with teacher or principal
If you have a question, what do you do?
Act out how we rotate for reading and math stations.
Wait for bell, clean up & push in chair, walk, level 0, wait patiently, get started right away.
What are the expectations for read to self?
pick your spot
stay in your spot
get started right away
read quietly
read the whole time
eyes glued to book.
What is Miss Hergenrother's favorite food?
Why is it important that we follow our 3 classroom rules?
How many people are allowed in the closet at one time?
Act out the closet routine.
Wait until group is called, walk, push in chair, only 3 allowed at one time, put book bag away, walk back to seat.
Explain the pencil pouch routine.
start with 5 sharp pencils every week. if you have all 5 pencils by the end of the week you get a piece of candy. if you don't, you won't get candy. if you break all 5 pencils and need a new one, you will lose a dojo.
What is Miss Hergenrother's favorite thing in the whole entire world? *Must tell me his name!
Rudy-- the cutest puppy in the whole world!