When you leave the class with the exception of being checked out of school, you should have these two items?
Red Lanyard and White Pass
During which times must no passes be given at the beginning and end of class?
15/15- No student may leave the class the first 15 minutes or the last 15
You should be working, completing assignments ...
Bell to Bell
What is the dress code for young ladies?
No belly buttons midriffs showing, shorts must be longer than fingertips, no holes in jeans above fingertips unless tights are underneath pants.
If you are hungry, what should you do?
Eat or drink outside the door if he teacher allows.
Where should you sit in the class?
In your assigned seat.
Who dismisses you from class?
Ms. Goldston
Can you eat in the classroom?
Pants should be .... after entering the class?
What 3 pieces of clothing should be removed when the tardy bell rings?
Pants should be pulled up to normal waist height and secured with a belt
No hoodies
No hats
No Earbuds/Air pods
How many students will take attendance to the front office in the teacher's absence?
What should be posted on the dry erase board?
Common Board Configurations
Before answering a questions, what should you do?
Raise your hand.
What is the only item you can drink in class?
You should not do this in class?
Sleep or put your head down.
The dean will remove you from the classroom if you are doing the following:
Using profanity, gross disrespect and insubordination.
How should you enter the classroom?
Quietly, in an orderly fashion
When you have finished all of your assignments for the day, what do you do next?
Progress Learning (English Classes)
Logic Puzzle (Journalism)
How many hall passes do you have for each class each 9 weeks?
What else should you not do?
Talk without permission.
No passes will be allowed to what areas during classroom instruction?
Navigator, counselor, another's teachers' classroom, innovation center, gym. dean's office.
Where do you put your cellular device?
Cellular device holder
What platform do you use to find the agenda and assignments?
What is the consequence if you use all 3 of your hall passes for. my class before the end of the quarter?
You must use your passes in one of your other classes.
If you have issues before coming to class, what should you do?
Tell the teacher before you enter the class.
Passes will not be allowed during these times?