what are the 4 P’s?
Be Polite, Be Prompt, Be Prepared, Be Productive
What materials do you need for Spanish class?
Notebook (During the school year, we will be using Interactive Notebooks. Kick start yours with our summer content!)
Pencils, Erasers, and Pens (for correcting).
Agenda Book (This is your hall pass. You can’t leave the room without it)
Your best effort each and every day!
What is Academic Center?
Academic center is a time for students to come and make up missed work or receive extra help on specific standards.
What does be polite mean?
1.Use the words please and thank you……excuse me…..
2.Never interrupt another person while they are speaking, wait your turn to speak.
3.Always raise your hand and wait to be called upon.
4.Listen and pay attention
5.Keep your hands to yourself at all times.
6.Never interrupt Ms. Fonseca when she is giving directions to the class or speaking.
If you were absent, what do you have to do?
If you know you are going to be absent ahead of time, see me as soon as possible. Assignments due on the day of the absence must be turned in immediately upon return. Missed work must be made up in a timely fashion, no later than the length of the absence. It is YOURresponsibility to make up missed assignments/assessments.
What day is Spanish Academic Center?
Academic center is Tuesday after school.
What does be prompt mean?
1.Arrive to class on time which means…..
you are in your seat, work out, and ready to begin.
2.Complete and turn in all classwork on time
3.Complete and turn in all homework on time
4.Be aware of all due dates for assignments
How are you going to show participation and collaboration in Spanish class?
You are expected to take notes when directed to do so, participate in small group and large group discussions and projects, and ask questions when necessary.
At what time does Academic Center start?
Academic center starts promptly at 3:00.
What does be prepared mean?
1.Coming to class with all materials needed for the day…including a pencil.
2.Reading board to see what is on the agenda, what the objectives are for the day.
3.Noting homework in your agenda.
Is homework going to be graded?
Homework will be reviewed and graded.
What is plagiarism and cheating?
Plagiarism is the practice of copying words, sentences, images or ideas for use in written or oral assessments without giving proper credit to the source.
Cheating is defined as the giving or receiving of illegal help on anything that has been determined by the teacher to be an individual effort.
What does be productive mean?
1.No wasted classroom time.
2.Not interrupting others while they are working
3.Listening carefully to all instructions – the first time.
4.Asking clarifying questions when necessary
5.Completing all assignments.
6.Cooperating with colleagues in groups.
Will you do exit tickets rarely or frequently?
Exit tickets will be given at the end of most classes.
What is your responsibilities as a student?
Students will come to class prepared and ready to learn with all materials needed daily. Students will actively participate in their own learning and complete homework every night. Students will be responsible to actively engage themselves in the monitoring of progress in order to meet proficiency in all Core content and skills.