What to do before entering class
What is lining up outside the door?
What to do if you have a question
What is do not interrupt me when I am talking, raise your hand, and wait to be called on?
What to do with your backpacks?
What is dput your backpack on the back of your chair?
When to use the bathroom?
What is going to the bathroom before class, passing period, or brain break?
The 3rd GAVPAA 55 rule
What is to congratulate the winner or when someone else is doing well?
What to do when you walk in the classroom
What is come in quietly and wait for breakfast?
What to do when others are answering a question?
What is do not interrupt others when they are speaking?
What to do with classwork
What is turning in anything that is due for the day and putting all other classwork away in folder?
If an emergency, you may be allowed permission to go to the bathroom. What should you do?
What is taking the pass and turning the light red?
How should you sit at your desk?
What is to follow directions and wait quietly?
What to do when the Black Hawk Creed comes on over the intercom?
What is standing up and saying the Black Hawk Creed?
What to do during quiet work time
What is do not talk during quiet work time or distract others?
Dismissal rules
What is waiting to be dismissed by teacher?
During brain break, I know to ...
What is, wait quietly in line, go to the bathroom by 3s quickly if needed, and sign the sheet?
What is always say thank you when you're given something?
What time can you enter the class for breakfast?
What is 7:20 a.m.?
During class, I can show respect by..
What is turning in my work, listening to the speaker, and cleaning up behind myself?
What should you do before you leave class?
What is gather all of your materials and clean your area?
During passing period, I should not...
What is stop in other people's classrooms to distract; yell and run through the hallways, or skip class?
What should you do during a class movie?
What is listen quietly, stay in your seat, and do the assignment?
How do we walk in the hallways?
What is walk to the right, close to the wall, voice off, and hands to our sides?
What is keep the laptops charged, no Youtube unless given a task, and to be gentle?
When dismissed outside, what should we do?
What is walk to the side door, and go home?
(If waiting for a parents car, do not stand in the street)
If the teacher has to ask you to follow directions too many times, what are the consequences?
What is get a detention slip, and a parent conference?