True or False
If Mrs. Babylon corrects your behavior, you should re-focus and change it the first time without arguing.
When I don't understand something, I should...
Ask Mrs. Babylon for clarification
How should you speak to Mrs. Babylon and each other?
With kindness and respect
If I copy someone else's work and pass it off as my own, it is considered _________and I will receive a 0.
What should you do if you do not understand the instructions?
Ask Mrs. Babylon
If someone is bothering you, how should you handle the situation?
You should politely ask them to leave you alone and ask Mrs. Babylon for help if it continues.
Where do you turn in completed assignments?
In the basket in front of Mrs. Babylon's desk
Should you touch other students? and Rough house in class?
TRUE OR FALSO: If you get all of your letters you will receive a large reward, possibly a pizza party.
What should you do if you are eating in class?
Clean up after myself
If I am sitting somewhere that I do not think is conducive for mine and others learning, what should I do?
Ask Mrs. Babylon if you can move and tell her why..
What does Mrs. Babylon check every Friday?
Agendas and Notebooks
TRUE OR FALSE: If you are not respectful to Mrs. Babylon or each other she will give you detention and/or call your guardian
When you don't have a pencil, where should you look?
By the sharpener next to the windows
What should you do if you are not doing well in class?
Ask Mrs. Babylon for help and how to bring my grade up
True or false: It is okay to call each other names in class and use foul language?
What should I be doing by the second bell EVERY first day of the week?
Word of the Week and Grammar of the week
If you are not working/in your seat by the second bell, Mrs. Babylon will do what?
Mark you tardy
How many passes do you have for the restroom?
3 each quarter
Why should you do the Word of the Week notecards?
You can receive extra credit!
What can you earn if the classroom is behaving correctly?
A good grade because you're on task
A letter towards a reward
Why should you always do your classwork?
Because you don't have homework and it ends up being close to 80% of your grade!
How should you behave if someone else is talking?
You listen respectfully and raise your hand if you have something you would like to say.
How should you behave when a sub is here?
Respectfully and get my work done.
What should you do if you need to use the restroom?
Go on your breaks during nutrition and lunch