The room where learning happens.
What is room 210?
These are not allowed in our classroom.
What are cellphones?
Homework and classwork fall into this grading category.
This is the course number grammar and writing grades are recorded in Infinite Campus.
What is the course number that reading assignments and tests are recorded in Infinite Campus?
The periods in the day for the class
2nd and 3rd
Place cellphones should be during class.
What is your book bag?
Tests, final writing assignments, and projects fall into this grading category.
This is the first grammar topic to be studied 2nd semester.
past tense
What is the name of the textbook used for reading instruction?
Edge A
This is what you call your teacher, by her last name.
What is Mrs. Roberts?
Earned by checking phone in at the beginning of class.
extra credit
This final test of the semester is worth this percentage.
Informal writing is practiced in this.
Where is the reading textbook kept in the classroom?
on the bookshelf
This is your teacher's first name
What is Karen?
Number of days cellphone must be checked in to earn extra credit.
The abbreviation NC in Infinite Campus means what?
No credit an assignment has not been turned in
Writing is practiced daily so students are prepared for what test.
How many times should I read each story to have strong reading comprehension?
3 or 4 times
If you arrive late to class without a pass this is marked in Focus.
What is a tardy?
What is the #1 rule regarding cellphone check in?
Don't touch another person's cellphone
What do I write at the top of an assignment to earn full credit for an assignment turned in late?
Where do I find my grammar textbook?
on Schoology
What is a small book read on Fridays called?