What is one expectation during class lessons or activities?
. Positively and appropriately engage
. Complete assignments
. Participate!
If I need to use the bathroom, I....
Raise my hand and ask permission
Name one way you can earn Bonus Bucks?
Earned when following rules/expectations
Earned when engaging lessons and activities
Given at staff discretion
I lose my homework packet?
I can get a new one for 10 bonus bucks.
Sandy Cheeks wears a spacesuit and helmet underwater so she can hang out with her sea friend named....
JK, Spongebob
How do you appropriately ask for help?
Raise a quiet hand and wait to be called on.
What do we do during each transition that lasts for 1 minute?
Moment of silence
What days can we use the computer during the break?
Computer breaks are only available on Tuesday/Thursday
I continuously take longer than 5 minutes when taking space?
I lose break privileges
True or false, before entering the classroom, we can chill outside the door and sit on the floor, lean on the wall, play candy crush on our cell phones while we wait for staff to open the door?
I can have my cell phone on me and use it throughout the school day
What are random desk checks and what can you earn?
Staff checks desk for cleanliness (free of trash, work etc.)
A reward!
I don't want to participate in the class lesson or activity?
If you do not choose to participate, your expectation is to read, write, draw, at your desk SILENTLY
After the death of Itachi, Sasuke joined forces with the Akatsuki
What does it mean when class is on the YIELD sign?
Students may talk quietly and raise their hands to leave seat
To have a break during lunch, what MUST you do?
To have break during lunch, you must complete make-up work
I need to get water or sharpen my pencil?
I raise my hand to get permission.
How old is Mr. Milan?
Old. lol
. How many times can you take space during one class period
. How long can you take space for?
.Twice per period
. 5 minutes each
What does STOP and GO sign mean?
GO – Students can talk and leave their seats (we are hanging out)
STOP - Students are listening to staff and will raise their hands before speaking or leaving their seats
How many raffle tickets can you enter during the raffle? What happens to all the tickets that are entered?
During the Raffle, you may enter as many tickets as you want
All entered raffle tickets will be thrown away
I break a desk, book, clipboard etc. in class?
Major property destruction results in community service
Minor classroom items destruction results in bonus bucks loss
What has a head and a tail but no body?
A coin