Your Work
Class Procedures
Classroom Kindness
Group Work
Our School

What should you do if you finish your work early?

-Free Read

-Free Write

-Use an approved classroom app


How do you get new books to read?

You can borrow them from the class library, returning them when you're done.


What should you do if you have a conflict with another student?

Try to solve the problem on your own by using words and having a discussion about what upsets you.  If the conflict does not stop, seek help from an adult.  


How do you show a group member you are listening to what they have to say?

1.  Stop writing or what you are doing.

2.  Make eye contact

3.  Zip your lips


How should you behave in an assembly?

1.  Stay silent

2.  Sit in your seat

3.  Listen carefully to the presenter


What will happen if you do not turn in your classwork or homework?

You will finish it during recess


How do you ask to use the bathroom?

You may sign out any time an adult isn't teaching.  You sign out and go quietly - 2 people at a time maximum.


What is considered tattling?

Reporting wrongdoing, when the other student is safe and they can handle it on their own.  



What should you do if you disagree with a group member's idea?

1.  Listen to their thinking.

2.  Respect their ideas

3.  Try to make a compromise


How should you behave in the halls?

1.   Walk right behind the person in front of you

2.  Be absolutely SILENT


What will happen if you turn in work that is not complete or your best work?

You will start over and redo the assignment


What do you do if you have an emergency while a teacher is teaching?

Raise your hand and of course you can go!


Why shouldn't you talk when a teacher is talking?

It shows disrespect and it means you are not listening.  

What should all group members be doing during an activity?



What should you do when the teacher is talking to another adult in classroom/hallway and you have a question?

1.  Try to solve the problem on your own

2.  Ask a friend

3.  Wait patiently until the teacher is done talking


What should you do if you get stuck on an assignment?

1.  Try to problem solve on your own.

2.  Ask a friend in your group.

3.  Raise your hand for help and wait patiently.


What do you do when you come into the classroom in the morning?

1.  Quietly enter the room.

2.  Put your backpack, lunch and coat away.

3.  Turn in any notes or homework.

4.  Read the board of your next step.


How does it make your peers feel when you are talking while they are sharing their thoughts with the class?

It makes your peers feel that you don't care about what they have to say.


What does collaboration mean?

Working with a group and sharing ideas to create one awesome idea.


What are 2 ways you could be responsible and respectful in the cafeteria?

1.  Use a quiet/indoor voice

2.  Clean up your area


What does independent work look like?

Quietly working at your spot, not distracting others and focusing on yourself.


When is a good time to get a drink or use the bathroom?

During group work or independent work.


What should you do if you disagree with a call made in a game?

Have a calm discussion with the other team/teammates and remember that it is only a game.


Why do we do group work in the classroom?

It helps to expand our thinking, learn from our peers and create awesome ideas. 


Who are 5th graders an example for?

The entire school!!!  You hold the responsibility of showing everyone else in the school appropriate behavior in school.