Is it okay to run at recess?
YES! Just be careful!
Which voice level is a whisper?
When it is voice level 0 you can talk to your friends. Yes or No?
No, only voice level 1 or greater.
Hallways is a voice level 4.
NO. False! Everyone should be on voice level 0 at all times in the hallway.
Sally walked quietly to lunch and after, she walked very quietly back to class. What could Sally earn?
Money for making good choices.
What should I do if I have to use the restroom at recess?
Wait until lunch, or go tell the teacher and they will let you go.
Which voice level is completely silent?
When you ask to borrow something from a classmate, what words should you use?
Please, thank you.
You see a friend waving his arms up and down in the hallway.... is he following hallway rules?
Can you use all your money to earn sitting with a friend at lunch?
Yes you can! That is your choice.
Can I play with friends from other classes?
Which voice level will I ask you to use when you're working in groups?
1, 2, or 3.
Is it okay to help your friends?
Yes work together! If it is a test then no.
What can you earn if you follow hallway rules?
Is it okay to talk at lunch?
Yes. Any time the teacher is not speaking.