The first thing you do when you come in the classroom
What is move your door to the question's answer?
The person that is first in line
The first classroom rule.
The person who erases the whiteboard
Who is the eraser
What is the volume meter?
Something new we started last Friday
What is the breakfast count?
The person who is last in line
Who is the line tail?
What is keep your hands and feet to yourself?
Miss Cliff's favorite color
What is green
What is the prize box?
To ask a question
What is raise your hand quietly!
Position 1
What is sitting in your seat quietly?
Class rule 3
What is Respect your classmates and your teacher
This person is in charge of updating the calendar every day!
Who is the calendar person?
The place where you can grab supplies
Where is the back of the room?
Before you sit down you
What is grab your chair?
Position 2
What is standing quietly behind your desk?
Miss Cliff
This person is in charge of the classroom pencils
Who is the pencil sharpener?
1. Good Behavior
2. Winning a game
3. When your group earns points
Bathroom Rules
(3 steps)
What is
1. Quietly Raise your hand and ask
2. Sign out and grab the bathroom pass
3. Sign in and bring back the bathroom pass
Position 3
What is quietly being in line with a hug and bubble?
Nothing on her desk, filing cabinet or cupboard without permission!
The person who is allowed to clap for silence, and keeps score in games
Who is the student of the week
You are allowed out of your seat when.
What is when you raise your hand?