What does showing respect to your classmates look like?
Listening when others are speaking.
What does it mean to be responsible for your classwork?
Completing it on time and submitting it to the teacher.
Why is it important to participate in class discussions?
It helps you learn and engage with the material.
What should you do when you enter the classroom?
Get your materials, put your headphones and cell phone in your backpack and it in front of the classroom. Find your seat and quietly start working on your warm-up.
What is the proper way to communicate with your teacher if you need help?
Raise your hand and wait for the teacher to call on you. Be mindful of your tone and level of voice. Show respect.
How can you show respect for the teacher during a lesson?
By not interrupting and raising your hand to speak.
How can you demonstrate responsibility in group work?
Contributing your fair share of the work and being prepared.
What is one way to participate actively during a lesson?
Asking questions or contributing ideas.
What is the procedure for asking to go to the restroom during class?
Raise your hand showing signal and wait for the teacher's permission to create your Minga pass.
Raise your hand and wait for the teacher to call on you.
By listening actively and sharing your ideas clearly.
What should you do if you disagree with a classmate?
Discuss your disagreement calmly and respectfully without arguing.
What is one way to take responsibility for your actions in class?
Apologizing when you make a mistake or disrupt the class.
How can you encourage your classmates to participate?
By inviting them to share their thoughts or asking for their opinions.
How should you handle your materials and supplies in class?
Keep them organized and return them to their proper place after use.
What should you do if you hear a rumor about a classmate?
Avoid spreading it and talk to a trusted adult if necessary.
Mention other ways to show respect to your teacher and classmates.
Level of voice and tone of voice. Never shout.
How can you demonstrate responsibility when missing class?
By visiting Canvas, reading lesson and completing assignments
What level of voice should you use when participating in class.
Level two to be heard by everybody in class.
What should you do when finishing class?
Complete the exit ticket. Write it on your notebook.
what is the proper language to make a request to a classmate or teacher?
Could you please-----------?