What do you do when you want to talk in class?
I need to raise my hand.
What do I do when the teacher is explaining a class or assignment?
I must pay attention in order to understand entirely what to do.
Can I use any cell phone during class or at recess?
No, it must remain in my bag and in silent mode at all times.
What should I do with leftover materials and any kind of trash while working in class?
I need to put them in the trash can, not on the floor. Floor must be kept neat and clean at all times.
What should I do if I have lost or misplaced something?
Report it to any teacher immediately.
How can you show the speaker that you are giving them your full attention?
Ears listening, eyes watching, seated appropriately.
Can you eat food in the classrooms?
Definitely not. Designated eating areas only.
When can I use the restroom?
Before PE, During lunch and in the afternoon
What should I do with items that I find and don't know who they belong to?
Give it to the teacher.
What is my responsibility within a group assignment or classwork?
It is my responsibility to do my best, and provide as much help for excellent results. Everyone must be responsible as a team member.
How do you show respect for the school property?
By keeping my classroom and school premises in clean and neat conditions.
What is the first thing you should do when you arrive in the morning?
Sit in your assigned seat and read the board for instructions.
What are you allowed to drink while in class?
Only water.
How do we line up to leave the room?
Get in line in an orderly manner and in complete silence.
How do we walk on the hallways?
Walk in an orderly manner and quietly. In a straight line without touching anything on the walls
What is mandatory to do if I am not clear with given instructions?
Ask questions, ask questions.