What do you do when you want to talk in class?
By raising you hand quietly until you are called on.
How do we start our day once the 2nd bell rings?
Calendar and morning meeting
How should we enter the cafeteria?
Walking feet, staying in line, Voices off until you get to the table
What do you do if you have a question when the teacher is at small group?
Ask classmates at your table. If it is not an emergency, ask me after I am finished meeting with students.
Explain what you should do when Mrs. Douglas does a call and response such as Class, class?
Stop what I'm doing, look at Mrs. Douglas and stop talking. Silent room to hear next directions.
What does WORK TIME sound like?
Silent! Respectful of all learners. Whisper please if you need anything.
How do you know what job you have for the week?
Look on the back wall where the jobs are posted.
What do you do if you finish your work early?
Read a book or go on to the next activity you have been assigned.
What should I do if I don't have a pencil?
Go get one from the pencil cup.
How can you show the speaker that you are giving them your full attention?
Give 5...ears listening, eyes watching, hands and feet are still, mouth closed.
How do students respect other students things?
By not touching them or destroying them. If you want to borrow something or look at something, you need to ask nicely first. If they say no, respect their answer and ask someone else.
When can I use the bathroom?
During work time, not during lesson time. Only one student at a time, unless it is an emergency. You put the cone on your table (you do not fight or chase after the cone)
How many people should be in the bathroom at one time?
How do we act at small group table? What do you do when it's not your turn at small group?
You sit nicely in your chair, do small group work together, then walk back to your desk.
If it's not your turn at small group, you're doing work quietly at your desk.
What is your job at dismissal?
Put away your chromebook and headphones, get papers from your mailbox to put in your take home folder, and stack your chair
Unstack your chair and start your morning tub
What do I do if I need a sharpened pencil?
Place the pencil in the cup on Mrs. Douglas' desk to be sharped and get a new pencil from the sharpened cup.
Where can you turn in your work?
If it is for a grade- hand it to Mrs. Douglas. If it is not you put it in your mailbox to go home.
What voice level should you be at during independent work time?
Level 0
What should it look like and sound like when you get materials from your blue bin?
Quietly grab your item from your bin, do not shove classmates and move quickly so others can get their items
How can you respect others?
By listening to them, having patience with each other, taking turns sharing, using nice words, and practicing self space.
What is our AMP schedule?
PE, Music, PE, Art, PE
How do we walk back into the room?
Walk in quietly and go straight to your dot
What do you have to do when given permission and have a pass to leave the classroom?
Go directly to the place/person you have permission to go to, have your pass signed, then come right back to class as soon as you're done.
What should you do if you hear someone speaking on the intercom?
Stop all talking and listen to any announcements, helping others to hear what is being said.