What do you do when you hear ¨Class,Class
What voice level should we use in the restroom?
At which level should your voice be when walking down the hallway? WHY?
Voice level 0
So that we do not disrupt other classrooms and students trying to learn.
FALSE. You should remain seated the entire time you are at lunch.
TRUE OR FALSE: We throw mulch.
FALSE. Do not pick up, kick, or throw mulch.
What should you do when you have something to say, a questions, or an answer to share?
Raise your hand and wait to be called on without talking.
What is one inappropriate behavior in the bathroom?
Peeking into stalls, Pushing people out of stalls, Putting on soap on mirrors, Jumping on walls, Writing on walls, Yelling, Playing,
What should your body look like when walking down the hall?
Facing forward, hands at sides, Voices on a 0, Off of the wall
TRUE OR FALSE: If you are extra hungry you get to cut the line and go to the front?
FALSE. Wait your turn. You all will get to eat.
What do I do at recess when I have a behavior mark?
What is classroom Rule #2 and the hand motion to go with it?
¨Raise your hand for permission to speak¨
TRUE OR FALSE: Go, Wash, Flush, Dry, Leave
False: The correct order is Go, Flush, Wash, Dry, Leave
TRUE OR FALSE: When walking down the hall you are expected to keep your hands off of the wall?
Do not touch bulletin boards or lockers as you walk by. DO NOT touch things hanging from the ceilings either.
How do we enter and exit the cafeteria?
Walking in a straight line on a level 0 to the table or to the lunch line. When dismissed, quietly walk to wait in line to be picked up.
Where are you allowed while outside at recess?
Playground or the field.
DO NOT go past the tree on the hill or outside of the fenced area. Also ask to go get a ball that went out of bounds.
What do I do if my pencil breaks?
Quietly walk up to the front and put the broken pencil in the dull container and take a sharp pencil from the sharp container. Walk quietly back to your seat.
Which restroom should you use while in a 3rd grade classroom?
The restrooms in the 2nd and 3rd grade hallways located by the art room and elevator.
How many blocks away from the wall should you walk?
1 block
TRUE OR FALSE: It is not okay to talk while eating lunch in the cafeteria?
FALSE. You are allowed to talk to nearby friends at the table.
TRUE OR FALSE: While playing outside, we can play rough. Example: tackling, tripping, pushing
FALSE. Keeps your hands to your self during games.
What do you do when you need to use the restroom? When is it appropriate to ask?
Wait until the teacher is not teaching to ask or hold up crossed fingers.
What is the procedure for waiting in the hallway before or after using the restroom?
Stand along the wall or lockers on a level 0 facing forward.
What is the rule for hallway decorations?
Teachers and students work very hard on the decorations and work displayed in the hallway. Keep our school looking great!
How do you get permission to leave your seat when in the cafeteria?
Raise your hand and wait for a teacher in the cafeteria to come to you.
How do we go down a slide?
Sit on your bottom, feet go down first, one student at a time.