What do you do when you want to talk in class?
By raising you hand quietly until you are picked.
What do you do when you first come in every day?
Unpack, make sure you have at least 1 pencil, and make sure your laptop is charged.
Where should your celll phone be?
In your backpack on silent
What do you do if you have a question when the teacher is at small group/round table?
3 before me! Ask 3 friends for help before asking the teacher.
How will I know when to start an activity if my teacher is giving directions?
Wait until Mrs McCarthy says to begin
Can you charge your cell phone in Mrs. McCarthy's room?
Yes, but it must remain on the charger until class is over.
What should you work on if Mrs McCarthy is not in the room?
Achieve 3000! Be responsible!
What do you do if you finish your work early?
Work on Achieve 3000.
What should I do if I have lost my laptop charger?
Ask Mrs. McCarthy to BORROW one
How can you show the speaker that you are giving them your full attention?
Ears listening, eyes watching, hands and feet are still, mouth closed.
Can you eat food in Mrs. McCarthy's class?
Only if she gives it to you. There is no outside food.
When can I use the bathroom?
During work time or center time. Not during lesson time. You still need to tell the teacher before you go.
What should you do with items that you find in the classroom and don't know who they belong to?
Give it to Mrs McCarthy
How do we act at small group table? What do you do when it's not your turn at small group?
You sit nicely in your chair, do small group work together, then walk back to your desk.
If it's not your turn at small group, you're doing work or playing a center quietly at your desk.
Where should you put work that is not finished?
In your red correctly numbered folder.
What is the first thing you should get when you arrive?
Your correct color and numbered folder
When can I sharpen my pencil?
During worktime or center time. Not during teaching or lesson time.
Where can you turn in your work when it is completed?
The correct drawer with your period number on it
How do I know what station our table is doing?
Check the binder on the cart
What can you drink in Mrs. McCarthy's room?
Only water
Free Space
Free Space
How do we line up to leave the room?
Wait until you are called, push in your chair, and walk to line without talking.
How do we walk back into the room?
Walk in quietly without words and sit in your seat.
What do you have to do when given permission to leave the classroom?
Sign out if going to the bathroom and take the pass
What should you do if you hear Mrs McCarthy's voice?
Stop what I am doing, put my hands on my head, and wait for my teacher's directions.