What do you do when you want to talk in class?
Raise you hand and wait quietly until teacher calls on you.
How do you enter the classroom?
You always enter the classroom calmly and quietly.
What is the first thing you do in the morning after the bell rings?
1. Journal
2. Morning Work
No. You should be quiet until you reach your destination.
What do tally marks on the board represent?
Time taken away from Fun Friday.
What do you do to help others be a better student?
You encourage others by saying positive things. No put downs!
How do you ask for help in class?
You always raise your hand.
What should you do when you are done with an assignment early?
1. Read
2. Draw
3. Color
4. Write
Where does your homework folder belong?
In your backpack.
How should the classroom look at the end of the day?
1. Chairs stacked
2. Floor clean
How do students respect other students properties?
By not touching them or destroying them. Ask to use first before taking anything.
Can you walk around the classroom doing nothing?
What should you do when another student is talking?
Be quiet and listen. Wait to talk until it is your turn to share.
How do you care for your desk area?
Keep everything neat and tidy with only what you need out.
Whose responsibility is it to make the right decisions and follow rules.
It is the student's responsibility.
What can students bring to class to drink?
When can I sharpen my pencil?
During class after raising hand, or
You can also trade your pencil for another.
What do you do when you have to pass out papers to the people in your row or group?
You take one and pass it back to the person sitting behind you.
How do students get a paid in Ram Bucks?
By following expectations and rules, by helping others, using kind words, paying attention and doing your best.
What does a good working group look like?
They are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting work done.
How can you respect others?
By listening to them, taking turns sharing, and using appropriate language and gestures.
How do students line up in the hallway before entering the classroom after recess?
In one line 6 feet apart.
When and how should you behave when you are told to work at a nonverbal volume level?
You should be absolutely quiet.
When can you go out of the class?
You can't unless your teacher sends you out for a purpose. Such as the bathroom, nurse, counselor, or front office.
How do you earn tickets in class?
By following the directions, by working hard, by following all classroom rules and expectations