Social Studies Teacher
Mr. Robertson
What is the rule about cell phones?
Before homeroom, during lunch, and after dismissal at 3:10 PM.
No phones out in class
This is a supply where we will keep all of our notes, some maps, and a lot of the materials we use when we start covering history.
Are you supposed to get up and move around the classroom whenever you want?
No. Raise your hand and Mr. Robertson will call on you.
Physical Science Teacher
Ms. Woods
What are you supposed to do with your surrounding area?
Make sure it's clean.
I'll ask you to write answers or notes on this.
Where are the turn-in trays located?
Under the whiteboard
By the door
On top of the shelves
Where do we go during a Severe Weather Drill?
The locker rooms
English Teacher
Mrs. Sturdivant
With respect.
You need one of these for coloring activities.
Crayon or colored pencil
When Mr. Robertson is talking:
The class is at a Level 0; no one else is talking
In case of a fire drill, where do we go when we leave the classroom?
To the right, out the double doors, and into the field.
Math Teacher
Ms. Thomas
When you finish classwork, what are you NOT supposed to do?
Put your head down and take a nap.
It's either wooden or mechanical
When lining up to change classes or go to the restroom, what are we supposed to do?
Get on Level Zero.
What am I going to get to cover the classroom windows?
Reading/Math Intervention
Dr. Griffin
Mr. Robertson's two favorite rules
2) Don't give up
I said you could use these if they are black or blue.
When an announcement comes over the intercom, what are you supposed to do?
Go to Level Zero and listen.
Who is allowed to open the door during a Lockdown/Secure the Environment drill?
Mr. Robertson, someone with a key, or law enforcement.