When will grades be updated in Focus?
On Fridays and/or occasionally on the spot if time permits.
If you are absent excessively, what must you provide?
A doctor's note
Provide 3 expectations for you as the learner.
Be prepared for class with required materials and assignments
Be an active participant
Pay attention
Follow directions the first time they are given
Adhere to all Internet usage guidelines
Do your own work
Remain on task at all times
What happens if you are caught playing games and you haven't earned it?
A classroom consequence will occur.
What MUST students login with?
Their own personal ID number and password.
What (4) categories does your grade consist of?
Assessments, classwork, Edgenuity, and participation
What's the first thing you should do when you enter the classroom?
Grab your binder and a pencil.
What does it mean to help create a safe learning environment?
Respect each other's differences. View your mistakes as opportunities for growth. Give each other space when needed. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
What MUST be visible on your desktops at all times?
Your work
What are you responsible for while using the internet?
Maintaining security. You are held accountable for anything done on any computer under your log in, even if you are not physically on that computer!
What type of assessments should you expect to see?
Projects, Teacher Made Tests, Assigned Vocabulary, etc.)
What's the second thing you should do after entering the classroom?
Begin completing the bell ringer.
When the directions are given, what should you do?
Follow the directions the first time given.
Is YouTube allowable?
No, unless otherwise directed by the teacher.
When can games be played for those who earned it?
The last 15 minutes of class.
Which two categories weigh the heaviest and what percent of your grade?
Both Classwork and Edgenuity weigh 35% of your grade.
You must maintain what grade to be granted music as you are working?
A least a 70% or higher
What should you do if you finish work early?
Find other work to complete.
What happens if a student disrupting or preventing his or her classmates from achieving their academic goals?
He will receive in class consequences and/or a referral.
Name 3 websites that are prohibited to use in this classroom.
What's the highest grade you can get on late assignments?
What happens if you are caught cheating? What consequence will occur if you are caught multiple times?
Your computer will be shut down and you will receive a zero on your coursework.
Too many occurrences will result in strictly paper/pencil assignments for my class.
If you are allowed to listen to music, what websites can you go to?
Soundcloud or Spotify. YouTube is not allowed unless otherwise directed by the teacher.
What happens if you are allowed to listen to music, but the volume is above 40?
You will lose your privilege and your computer may be muted.
What is absolutely not tolerated in this classroom?
Academic dishonesty of any type, including plagiarism and/or cheating.