What is the first thing you do after you enter the class?
Sanitize your hands
Are you allowed to say Yeah or yes in this class? What phrase do you have to replace it with?
It has to be Yes ma'am or No ma'am Yes Sir or No Sir
When working in groups should 1 person do ALL the work?
What song was the welcome song as soon as you came in the room?
"Welcome Back"
What time does the building open to students?
What is 1 item Mrs. Stewart has available to keep students fresh?
What app will Mrs. Stewart use for class communication?
Class Dojo
What is the name used for someone who writes?
What is the name of the Houston rapper that Mrs. Stewart played yesterday?
What article of clothing is NOT allowed to be worn on your head for boys or girls?
A hoodie
If you wear a mask are you allowed to have it below your nose? Why or why not?
Having a mask below your nose does NOT offer up ANY protection.
when someone is talking what should we do with our eyes and mouth and body?
Track the speaker with our eyes and no talking
What does the word collaboration mean?
To work together
What pixar kids movie does the song "You got a friend in me" come from?
Toy Story
10/10 Rule
When can students NOT leave the class?
10 minutes after the bell to start class and 10 min before class switch
When you sneeze or cough how should you cover your cough?
Sneeze or cough INSIDE your clothing!
What will Mrs. student call out as our class regroup?
Teacher says "Humble"
Students say "Wildcats"
If someone is being rude what should you do?
Explain how what the did or said offended you and ask them not to repeat that behavior
"Baut at bat ba bah I'm lovin it"
Mc Donald's
What item must be worn around a students neck while at school?
What should you do before you are dismissed from my class?
Pick up all trash and make sure my table is clean.
When can you throw away trash?
At the end of class
What is a another word for argue?
"I'm gone leave the door open" Is sung by who
Bruno Mars also known a Silksonic
Once you get breakfast what is the procedure afterwards?
You cannot go back to the cafeteria and go to 1st period and eat.