How do we respect classroom materials?
What should I do if my teacher calls my attention (dun dun da dun dun.., chime, clap follow along, hands on top)?
Stop and listen to instructions.
When is the best time to ask to use the washroom?
Recess or Lunch. When it is not a work time. When I have finished my work. When the moon is green.
How should we walk in the hallways with the class?
Eyes forward, voices off, setting a good example for other classes.
What are the rules at recess?
Various answers
When you see someone struggling, this is the kind and helpful thing to do.
Offer to help, find someone to help, be a good friend.
What should I do before asking for help?
C3 before me.
Look at the board for instructions.
What should I do if I see something incorrect in the washroom? example: dirty, students being silly or unsafe.
Go tell the office.
How should I walk in the hallways when I am by myself?
Walk to where I am going, do not distract others and return to class in a timely manner.
What you should do if you see something unsafe happening in the classroom?
Tell the the students to stop and find a teacher.
What you should do when a classmate is speaking during a discussion?
Listen respectfully, use the number talk hand gestures, do onto others (otters) as you want to be treated.
What should I do during morning announcements?
Freeze(stay still) and listen.
Rise for the anthem.
How do I ask to use the washroom?
In French
Est-ce-que je peux aller au toilette?
How should I get my things on to go outside?
Get my things on, focus on the task and then line up in the classroom.
How do we use materials safely? example: scissors, paper, pencils, others
scissors - hold properly when walking, put back where they belong, use the kids scissors
paper - avoid paper cuts, don't leave on the floor to avoid slips/falls
pencils don't touch the pointy part
How do I respect myself when learning?
Have a positive mindset. Say kind words to yourself. Believe in yourself.
Negativity will stop you from achieving great things. I believe you are all capable for great things!
What is my volume during...
1) independent work time
2)partner work time
3)check-in time
4)outside time
1) 0 or a 1 if you need to ask a friend for help
2) 1-2 reasonable volume
3) 0 no talking, if you need help you ask the teacher
4) outside volume is allowed
After asking
What do I need to do before leaving the classroom to use the washroom?
When should I run in the hallway?
-When a teacher gives me permission (for example: the hallways are empty and I am going to be late for my bus)
What do we do during fire drills and lockdowns?
Lockdown: quietly sit down on the wall with the greenlock. Stay quiet until the police officer comes to our room to say it is safe.
How should I answer a question during class discusion?
Please avoid volcano mouth, because you steal another person's learning.
What should I do during when I walk into the classroom first thing is the morning or when I have completed my current task?
Check the catch-up task board for unfinished tasks I can work on. If everything is done, I can read.
What should you do before leaving the washroom?
Wash your hands and make sure the paper towel is properly disposed of.
How do I use the crayons in the hallway?
Quiet feet, quickly, do not stop the line moving, do walk into other classes walking.
How should I move around the room to keep myself safe?
Move around obstacles
Other answers